How do I do this??

I have 2 lists on the same spreadsheet.

Column A has first names, Column B has surnames. These are listed in surname order currently.

Column G has first names, Column H has surnames, also currently listed in surname order.

Colums A & B are much longer than G & H.

I need to find which names in row G & H appear within the list in A & B rather than manually scroll between the 2 lists.

I have never used Lookup's or formulas of this nature and despite trying to find a way of doing this on the internet, I am having no luck - someone help me please - its driving me nuts!!!

Thank you

May 22nd, 2015 10:57am

I need to find which names in row G & H appear within the list in A & B rather than manually scroll between the 2 lists.

Add this formulas to the mentioned cells:

C1:  =B1&", "&A1
D1:  =MATCH(C1,I:I,0)
I1:  =H1&", "&G1
J1:  =MATCH(I1,C:C,0)

and drag the formulas in C1:D1, resp. I1:J1 down to the end of each data.

When you want to combine both list, copy them below each other, then use Remove Duplicates in the Data tab.


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May 22nd, 2015 1:27pm


try this formula, starting in row 1 and copy down. 

=IFERROR("Found in row "&(MATCH(G1&H1,INDEX($A$1:$A$1000&$B$1:$B$1000,0),0)),"")

If you have more than 1000 names in column A, adjust the formula accordingly.

May 22nd, 2015 10:11pm

Hi vicky calver,

Based on your description, I test you issue in my own environment with IF and VLOOKUP formula.

The formula is: =IF(VLOOKUP(G2,$A:$B,2,FALSE)=H2,TRUE,FALSE)

As shown in the following figure. If the values in column G and column H match column A and column B at the same time, column I return True. If they didnt match, column I return False.

And I upload a sample via OneDrive, you can find this sample via this link:

Hope its helpful.


George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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May 25th, 2015 2:01am

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