How can I get SMTP address to an organizer with EWS

Is that possible to get SMTP address to an organizer from a response when I have the item of the type CalendarItemType. What I get is name of the mailbox by using myCalendarItem.Organizer.Item.Name.ToString()

I cant see any property to get the SMTP address in VS 2005. When I try to get value of miCalendarItem.Organizer.Item.EmailAddress , the property is null.

June 21st, 2007 1:00pm

I assume you retrieved the calendar item via FindItem? If so, the organizer comes back with only the Name of the organizer. To get the SMTP address, you will need to call GetItem on the id of the calendar item of interest, and then the Organizer should be filled in properly.

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June 21st, 2007 5:46pm

Thanks David,

I will try it.



June 22nd, 2007 11:51am

How can i retrieve Created User's SMTP address when the organizer is a Room?

My Code is like below:

FolderId calendarFolderId = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, mailboxToAccess);
SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection searchFilter = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection();
searchFilter.Add(new SearchFilter.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(AppointmentSchema.LastModifiedTime, startDate));

service.FindAppointments(calendarFolderId, searchFilter, view)

PropertySet itmPropSet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties);
itmPropSet.RequestedBodyType = BodyType.Text;
service.LoadPropertiesForItems(from Item item in findResults select item, itmPropSet);

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April 30th, 2015 9:58pm

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