Thanks for your comments Diane. I appreciate your answer personally, and I know since Sue Mosher published their first posts there. But My Webmailer / Provider simply does not support changing the IMAP-Foldernames, so this
is not an option for me.
In the past I did not even have to think about workarounds like that. I just chose the right server folder for my drafts, sent and deleted mails and I had the same behavior and folders configured in Outlook and in any other mailer I used
- even KMail lets you do the choice yourself. This is user-friendly as I would call it.
It seems that the behavior of Outlook 2013 has been willingly changed and it is now not at all user-friendly in this respect. So I will have to use Outlook 2010, or MS Mail-App or any other Product that lets ME choose what mail folders
I want to sync when checking my emails.
I think the intention behind that is to bring users to either switch to an Exchange account ($) or to use an account with MAPI-Functionality (MS-bound), which is plain stupid, because most of us would have to switch Providers
and/or mailadresses only to stay with a very expensive Office product!
But if that is what MS forces us to do, we just have to stick to the old stuff or to switch to more user-friendly and more configurable products which are definitely out there... and they are functional.... and they are often FOR FREE.
So I once again beg you Diane, the MS Product Managers and all MS Staff for Outlook product development, in the name of all outlook users out there: bring us back the choice
or we will have to choose!