Having Issue with MS word 2000

Having Issue with MS word 2000 low memory or no disk space when saving word 2000. When our employees are on word they are just doing a simple text document. Their accounts are on the Server 2008 R2 and it's only at one of our main office. I've deleted temp folders on each machine, uninstalled office reinstalled and nothing has changed. Where else can i look? Could there be something that I'm missing.The employees are on Windows 7 64bit Professional

Office 2000-32bit

Server 2008 R2-64 bit

  • Edited by cshoemake Friday, November 15, 2013 3:07 PM
November 15th, 2013 6:03pm


The issue might caused by the following reasons:

There is insufficient disk space available for Word to save   the file. When working with Word (and other programs for Microsoft Windows),   the Windows swap file (Win386.swp) increases in size. This increase can be   large and can use up most or all of the available disk space.
NOTE: This behavior has also been reported to occur if you are running   certain versions of antivirus software.

Refer to the link below to solve the issue:


If the issue persists, start Word in safe mode to check:Hold "Ctrl" key and click into the program.

You might also delete the Normal.dot file by searching the file in your machine and delete(or rename)


Tylor Wang
TechNet Community Support

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 17th, 2013 9:24pm

Hello Taylor

Thanks for the reply

Our employees have enough disk space. Currently their "U:" shows over 100 GB a piece, and most of these machines they have have 6 GB of RAM and 250 GB of local storage on their laptops. MS word saves fine to the local C: but not to their U: and their U: is managed by our servers. The weird thing is a few people out around our other office is only having this problem. The remaining 4 offices are fine.

November 18th, 2013 9:18am


After you delete or rename the Normal.dot file, will the issue persist when you create a new document?

Scan your machine with antivirus software.

Do a repair for your Office suites in Control panel>Program and features>Office>Change

You might need to perform a clean boot to check the issue:

For detailed information about clean boot, see the following link:



Tylor Wang
TechNet Community Support

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 18th, 2013 8:31pm

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