Global Address List not updating email in "select names" list, but the email is correct if you use the contact
Running Exchange 2007 with latest updates minus update rollup 6, the global address list is updating properly except for one aspect.
New users and new external contacts show up just fine after nightly OAB rebuilds, but if I change an external contact's email address, it will not show the correct email address in the "Select Names" dialogue box. If I use the contact or get properties
on it, the email shows up correctly. It also shows correctly in OWA.
I've forced rebuilds, I've restarted the file distribution service, and I've deleted OAB files on the client (Outlook 2007 on a 2008 R2 terminal server, so no cached mode). The closest thread I've found resembling this issue is
February 29th, 2012 3:18pm
Hi Fehzz,
"I've deleted OAB files on the client (Outlook 2007 on a 2008 R2 terminal server, so no cached mode"
If you just run Outlook 2007 on a client computer via Online & Cached mode, what's the result?
Please also try to change a test mailbox's email address, and the same issue?
Please check whether there is any related event log in the Event Viewer.Frank Wang
TechNet Community Support
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March 2nd, 2012 3:28am
Try this, I had same issue ..
Update Default Global address
=> Open Exchange Management Shell.
3. Run command.
PS>Set-GlobalAddressList "Default Global
Address List" -RecipientFilter {(Alias -ne $null -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user' -or ObjectClass -eq 'contact' -or ObjectClass -eq
'msExchSystemMailbox' -or ObjectClass -eq 'msExchDynamicDistributionList' -or ObjectClass -eq 'group' -or ObjectClass -eq 'publicFolder'))}
Let me know if it fails..Nelson N Exchange 2003|2007|2010
March 2nd, 2012 3:43am
Running on a client with cached mode enabled, I'm getting the same result. The changes I made a couple of weeks ago still aren't showing up. I see no related errors in the event logs.
After running:
Set-GlobalAddressList "Default Global
Address List" -RecipientFilter {(Alias -ne $null -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user' -or ObjectClass -eq 'contact' -or ObjectClass -eq 'msExchSystemMailbox' -or ObjectClass -eq 'msExchDynamicDistributionList'
-or ObjectClass -eq 'group' -or ObjectClass -eq 'publicFolder'))}
I get this:
Set-GlobalAddressList : You cannot perfrom the operation on the default global
address list object, "Default Global Address List".
At line:1 char:22
+ Set-GlobalAddressList <<<< "Default Global Address List" -RecipientFilter {(
Alias -ne $null -and (ObjectClass -eq 'user' -or ObjectClass -eq 'contact' -or
ObjectClass -eq 'msExchSystemMailbox' -or ObjectClass -eq 'msExchDynamicDistrib
utionList' -or ObjectClass -eq 'group' -or ObjectClass -eq 'publicFolder'))}
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (\Default Global Address List:
ADObjectId) [Set-GlobalAddressList], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 7610CD8B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemCon
Thanks for the help! I look forward to your replies.
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March 5th, 2012 11:05am
Had exactly the same issue. Turns out that after updating Exchange with new email address, had to edit attribute in AD for corresponding object to new email address.
This only affects External contacts in Exchange and not user mailboxes.
July 12th, 2012 7:38pm
Had exactly the same issue. Turns out that after updating Exchange with new email address, had to edit attribute in AD for corresponding object to new email address.
This only affects External contacts in Exchange and not user mailboxes.
That happends when the Mailcontacts has emailaddresspolicyenabled = False
..and when it does (very common) it's important that also the attribute mail (E-mail on the general tab in ADUC) is changed when the ExternalEmailAddress is. These two attributes should always have the same value.
To make sure they are, check with: Get-MailContact | ft Name,WindowsEmailAddress,ExternalEmailAddress -AutoSizeMartina Miskovic
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 12th, 2012 11:45pm