Ghost Move Request

Hello, I've succesfully migrated from a single Exchange 2010 STD to a single Exchange 2013 STD.

The old Exchange 2010 was uninstalled and correctly removed.

However, my Exchange 2013 keeps logging some errors (Error 1121) in the application log:

The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error.
Request GUID: '94ce118c-7f93-413e-aa48-5add05cce5bb'
Database GUID: 'cd830b2f-6233-4d73-aaee-8f4e8a164403'
Error: Database '88e47091-b918-409d-820c-c3e9bc23168f' doesn't exist.

I think that these messages are somehow related to some failed move requests during the mailboxes migration.

Nevertheless, a get-moverequest can't find any pending or failed move request.

A get-moverequest '94ce118c-7f93-413e-aa48-5add05cce5bb' gives me as result 'Couldn't find a move request that corresponds to the specified identity '94ce118c-7f93-413e-aa48-5add05cce5bb' '

How can I find and remove these failed requests?

January 14th, 2014 7:58am


I recommend you try the following methods to troubleshoot the issue:

1.Please run the following command and check the result:

Get-MoveRequestStatistics -MoveRequestQueue 'cd830b2f-6233-4d73-aaee-8f4e8a164403' -MailboxGuid '94ce118c-7f93-413e-aa48-5add05cce5bb' |fl

2.Please restart the MSExchangeIS services and check the result.

Hope this helps!


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January 15th, 2014 8:15am

Thanks for your answer.

Here's the output:

RunspaceId                             : 446d2379-e594-4777-8352-44f71670af36
MailboxIdentity                        : <removed by me - my user>
DistinguishedName                      : <removed by me - DN of my user>
DisplayName                            : <removed by me - my user>
Alias                                  : <removed by me - my user>
ExchangeGuid                           : 94ce118c-7f93-413e-aa48-5add05cce5bb
ArchiveGuid                            : 
Status                                 : InProgress
StatusDetail                           : StalledDueToWriteThrottle
SyncStage                              : CopyingMessages
Flags                                  : IntraOrg, Pull
RequestStyle                           : IntraOrg
Direction                              : Pull
IsOffline                              : False
Protect                                : False
DoNotPreserveMailboxSignature          : True
Priority                               : Normal
WorkloadType                           : Local
Suspend                                : False
SuspendWhenReadyToComplete             : False
IgnoreRuleLimitErrors                  : False
RecipientTypeDetails                   : UserMailbox
SourceVersion                          : Version 14.3 (Build 123.0)
SourceDatabase                         : db1
SourceServer                           : <removed by me - my server>
TargetVersion                          : Version 15.0 (Build 620.0)
TargetDatabase                         : db1-13
TargetServer                           : <removed by me - my server>
SourceArchiveDatabase                  : 
SourceArchiveVersion                   : 
SourceArchiveServer                    : 
TargetArchiveDatabase                  : 
TargetArchiveVersion                   : 
TargetArchiveServer                    : 
RemoteHostName                         : 
RemoteGlobalCatalog                    : 
BatchName                              : MigrationService:mig
StartAfter                             : 
CompleteAfter                          : 
RemoteCredentialUsername               : 
RemoteDatabaseName                     : 
RemoteDatabaseGuid                     : 
RemoteArchiveDatabaseName              : 
RemoteArchiveDatabaseGuid              : 
TargetDeliveryDomain                   : 
ArchiveDomain                          : 
BadItemLimit                           : 0
BadItemsEncountered                    : 0
LargeItemLimit                         : 0
LargeItemsEncountered                  : 0
AllowLargeItems                        : True
QueuedTimestamp                        : 16/04/2013 06.39.40
StartTimestamp                         : 16/04/2013 06.39.59
LastUpdateTimestamp                    : 16/04/2013 08.58.55
InitialSeedingCompletedTimestamp       : 
FinalSyncTimestamp                     : 
CompletionTimestamp                    : 
SuspendedTimestamp                     : 
OverallDuration                        : 274.03:45:24
TotalFinalizationDuration              : 
TotalDataReplicationWaitDuration       : 
TotalSuspendedDuration                 : 00:00:22
TotalFailedDuration                    : 
TotalQueuedDuration                    : 00:00:06
TotalInProgressDuration                : 274.03:44:51
TotalStalledDueToCIDuration            : 00:04:55
TotalStalledDueToHADuration            : 
TotalStalledDueToMailboxLockedDuration : 
TotalStalledDueToReadThrottle          : 
TotalStalledDueToWriteThrottle         : 274.01:40:32
TotalStalledDueToReadCpu               : 
TotalStalledDueToWriteCpu              : 00:00:00
TotalStalledDueToReadUnknown           : 
TotalStalledDueToWriteUnknown          : 
TotalTransientFailureDuration          : 00:03:06
TotalProxyBackoffDuration              : 
TotalIdleDuration                      : 00:00:10
MRSServerName                          : <removed by me - my server>
TotalMailboxSize                       : 3.635 GB (3,903,079,683 bytes)
TotalMailboxItemCount                  : 18674
TotalArchiveSize                       : 
TotalArchiveItemCount                  : 
BytesTransferred                       : 2.733 GB (2,934,976,317 bytes)
BytesTransferredPerMinute              : 
ItemsTransferred                       : 12328
PercentComplete                        : 75
CompletedRequestAgeLimit               : 7.00:00:00
PositionInQueue                        : 
InternalFlags                          : SkipFolderPromotedProperties, WordBreak
FailureCode                            : 
FailureType                            : 
FailureSide                            : 
Message                                : 
PoisonCount                            : 1
FailureTimestamp                       : 
IsValid                                : False
ValidationMessage                      : The Active Directory user isn't being moved.
RequestGuid                            : efd9cab3-9f01-48ca-8400-941e73676d7a
RequestQueue                           : db1-13
Identity                               : <removed by me - my user>
DiagnosticInfo                         : 
Report                                 : 
ObjectState                            : New

It's possible to remove this move request?

January 15th, 2014 8:29am

Restarting the IS or rebooting the server has no effect.
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January 15th, 2014 8:43am


How about run the following commnd?

Remove-MoveRequest -MoveRequestQueue 'cd830b2f-6233-4d73-aaee-8f4e8a164403' -MailboxGuid '94ce118c-7f93-413e-aa48-5add05cce5bb' 


January 15th, 2014 10:02am


How about run the following commnd?

Remove-MoveRequest -MoveRequestQueue 'cd830b2f-6233-4d73-aaee-8f4e8a164403' -MailboxGuid '94ce118c-7f93-413e-aa48-5add05cce5bb' 


Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 15th, 2014 3:01pm

I have this same request, but the errors keep generating. 

IIS Restart - no effect

Server restart - no effect

I can purge requests, but new ones are simply generated.

August 26th, 2015 11:00am

To make this more fun.  


The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an unexpected error.
Request GUID: '91e57c02-759b-4d8f-8f20-7122fac0ee84' 
Database GUID: '75d368fc-d48f-4439-a769-791f0747e415'
Error: Database '84c80a9f-66c7-4861-9f63-1d2ee528bb72' doesn't exist..

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MoveRequestStatistics

cmdlet Get-MoveRequestStatistics at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Identity: 91e57c02-759b-4d8f-8f20-7122fac0ee84
Couldn't find a move request that corresponds to the specified identity '91e57c02-759b-4d8f-8f20-7122fac0ee84'.
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-MoveRequestStatistics], ManagementObjectNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=XXXXXXXXX,RequestId=055e20ad-0d82-4d53-88b8-0f3c53f1888d,TimeStamp=8/26/2015
   3:01:39 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-ManagementObjectNotFoundException] 3EC559E1,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.GetMoveRequestStatistics
    + PSComputerName        : XXXXXXXX.lyden.local

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Remove-MoveRequest -MoveRequestQueue "75d368fc-d48f-4439-a769-791f0747e415" -MailboxGuid "91e57
c02-759b-4d8f-8f20-7122fac0ee84" -Confirm:$False

Removal successful, but new ones simply generate.  What is generating them?

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August 26th, 2015 11:06am

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