File can't be found during Exchg Server 2007 SP1 setup.
While installing Exchange 2007 SP1 Management Tools role on Win XP SP2 with .NET Framework SP2, I am getting the following error on Completion page of the wizard:
------Organization PreparationFailed
Error:The system cannot find the file specified
Warning:An unexpected error has occurred and debug information is being generated: The system cannot find the file specified
I am preparing my XP machine, which doesn't have Exchange or Outlook on it (just Outlook Exchange) for installing LoadGen fortesting Excnge 2k3 SP2running on WinServer 2003 SP1. The Readiness Checks page raised no errors.
How would one find out which file is missing?
Please let me know if I can provide additional info.
Thank you, --Leon.
7/30/2008 Exchg Server 2k7 without SP gives the same error.
July 30th, 2008 4:33am
there is an install log that should have more detail, but perhaps try extracting the download again, or copy the source to local disk first?
ExchangeSetup.log (
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 31st, 2008 7:31am
Just for your reference:
How to Install the Exchange 2007 Management Tools
July 31st, 2008 8:12am
Thank you Mike C. and Mike S.!
Icopied source to local disk and followed the installation manual. Same error...
C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\ExchangeSetup.log contained this error info:
[9/16/2008 10:03:58 AM] [2] Running <C:\WINDOWS\system32\ldifde.exe> with arguments <-i -s "main-vcs102.leonexchg3vlab1.local" -f "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.LEONEXCHG3VLAB1\Desktop\Loadgen\Setup\ServerRoles\Common\Setup\Data\PostExchange2003_schema0.ldf" -j "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.LEONEXCHG3VLAB1\Local Settings\Temp" -c "<SchemaContainerDN>" "CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=leonexchg3vlab1,DC=local">.
[9/16/2008 10:03:58 AM] [2] [WARNING] An unexpected error has occurred and debug information is being generated: The system cannot find the file specified[9/16/2008 10:03:59 AM] [2] [ERROR] The system cannot find the file specified---------------------------------------------------
Searching in Windows Explorer for ldifde.exe returned nothing. How does oneget the tool?
Thank you,
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September 16th, 2008 9:38pm
Figured it out.
Simply copyingit from the same directory (C:\WINDOWS\system32\) on WinServ2k3 did the job for my WinXP installation.
To install Ldifde.exe on the local computer (WinServ2k8 or Vista):Click Start, Run, and in the Open field run 'ServerManagerCmd -i RSAT-ADDS'
September 16th, 2008 11:14pm