Exchange server 2003 with Linux Mail server
hi,we have exchange 2003 installed on our server and linux server is also installed, we have create some users in exchange server and some of the mail enabled user which are used for linux , where linux mailbox created,we have domain suppose in shared namespace. we have created the smtp connector to linux mail server for linux users.i explain you the problem through one example mention belowsender Name : (exchange user)receipient name : (Linux user)group ID name: test@test.commembers of this group is jeevan.singh@test.comwhen we sent mail to in TO, and CC in I checked the SMTP logs that exchange server delieverd two mails to linux server and linux server received two there any solution that exchange will sent only one mail to linux server, if you have linux mail server in your environment with the shared domain namespace,please let us knowthanksjeevan singh
August 7th, 2009 2:57pm

I hope that group is a linux group id...So in this case Exchange can't expand the group to identify that who are member of this group and Exchange will just relay two mails to Linux and let it handle the delivery.Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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August 7th, 2009 5:10pm

hi.test group is created on exchange server only,because of this exchange sent two mails , one queue for single email address which are mention in TO , and other queue for all email id mapped under the test group and sent it to linux serverif you have any query in this let me knowthanksjeevan
August 8th, 2009 8:58am

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