Exchange mailbox/ad user corrupting
Iam having problems with exchange mailboxes and user accounts in AD.Randomlyusers will stop being able to connect to there email (Exchange 2k3) and each time it hascome down to a corrupt UserSID. The only fixhas been to completely rebuild useraccounts and mailboxes.This (in my opinion) shouldn't be happening. Anyone have this happen to them before?Sean MalloneeDOWL HKM
December 23rd, 2008 8:28pm

Hi Sean, 1. I would like to know how you narrow down the issue to a corrupt User SID. Whether any event log or error message indicated the issue. 2. When the issue occurs, whether you are able to user the problem user account to logon in Windows. If the user account cannot logon Windows, I think that it is an AD issue rather than the Exchange related issue. I suggest you post your question in the Windows Server Newsgroup regarding the issue:
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December 25th, 2008 11:53am

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