Exchange Server 2013 DB fail over issue

HI All,

I am In trouble..... Need your help...

In my Org, we are using Exchange server 2013 (recently migrated)

Since few Months we are having big problem with the DBs.

Every week Monday Early morning around 3AM to 4AM most of all the DBs are getting failover 

When look into the event logs, it says only....

Event ID 3008

[Eas] Failed to refresh Mailbox server for database *******-07b9-43**-874d-174*****d9 in resource forest (Domain name). Exception: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADTransientException: Could not find any available Domain Controller.
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ConnectionPoolManager.GetConnection(ConnectionType connectionType, String partitionFqdn, ADObjectId domain, String serverName, Int32 port, NetworkCredential credential)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ConnectionPoolManager.GetConnection(ConnectionType connectionType, String partitionFqdn)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADDataSession.GetConnection(String preferredServer, Boolean isWriteOperation, String optionalBaseDN, ADObjectId& rootId, ADScope scope)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADDataSession.GetReadConnection(String preferredServer, String optionalBaseDN, ADObjectId& rootId, ADRawEntry scopeDeteriminingObject)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADDataSession.InternalFind[TResult](ADObjectId rootId, String optionalBaseDN, ADObjectId readId, QueryScope scope, QueryFilter filter, SortBy sortBy, Int32 maxResults, IEnumerable`1 properties, Boolean includeDeletedObjects)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADDataSession.Find[TResult](ADObjectId rootId, QueryScope scope, QueryFilter filter, SortBy sortBy, Int32 maxResults, IEnumerable`1 properties, Boolean includeDeletedObjects)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADDataSession.Find[TResult](ADObjectId rootId, QueryScope scope, QueryFilter filter, SortBy sortBy, Int32 maxResults)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ADTopologyConfigurationSession.<>c__DisplayClass1f`1.<FindDatabaseByGuid>b__1e()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Diagnostics.ADScenarioLog.InvokeWithAPILog[T](DateTime whenUTC, String name, Guid activityId, String implementation, String caller, Func`1 action, Func`1 getDcFunc)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ADTopologyConfigurationSession.InvokeWithAPILogging[T](Func`1 action, String memberName)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ApplicationLogic.Cafe.MailboxServerLocator.<ResolveMasterServerOrDag>b__11()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ApplicationLogic.Cafe.MailboxServerLocator.InvokeResourceForest[T](Func`1 adCall)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ApplicationLogic.Cafe.MailboxServerLocator.ResolveMasterServerOrDag()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ApplicationLogic.Cafe.MailboxServerLocator.BeginGetServer(AsyncCallback callback, Object asyncState)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.HttpProxy.MailboxServerCache.RefreshDatabase(DatabaseWithForest database)

We are unable to find the cause for this issue..

AD issue may not be possible because we have a redundancy  and all other applications (other than exchange) are working fine..

I also want to know, whether this logs will generate after the DB fail over or due to some issue DB will fail over and this logs will generate??(To narrow down the investigation)

Could any one help in this to resolve the weekly happening DB fail over issue?

Also let me know any information is required.

Thank you, 


July 30th, 2015 1:38pm

Thanks for the reply,

Today early morning it happened again..

For DB we are using JBOD which has enough free space..

Scheduled task : as you said Symantec scanning is happening every day 1 AM (Not only on Monday)

we are not using GFI Products for mail security

We have applied the same patch to different domain since we have multiple clients

But only one domain for effected with this issue

We also receiving many alerts on the same time,

Imap Health set unhealthy (ImapCTPmonitor/msexchangeimap4) - IMap pro imapctpprobe is failing

EWS Health set maintenance unhealthy (maintenance FailureMonitor.ews) - maintenance workitem..

RWS Health set maintenance unhealthy (maintenance FailureMonitor.rws) - maintenance workitem...

RPS Health set maintenance unhealthy (maintenance FailureMonitor.rps) - maintenance workitem...

Transport Health Set maintenance unhealthy (maintenance FailureMonitor.Transport) - maintenance workite...

same for ECP, Client access proxy, Compliance alerts are generating from all the DAG node which got failover..

Please help


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August 3rd, 2015 4:34am

As per AD events, there is no issue, More over exchange is using DC from HUB site (so no issue from the DC availability part),

More over all the other application doesn't have any issues with the AD what i heard..

August 3rd, 2015 4:36am

I think those alerts are AD dependent..

But what is going wrong with AD for Exchange is still "unknown"

Please advice and help me to resolve this issue...

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August 3rd, 2015 9:31am

Hello Pradeep

It seems to me a AD related issue. 

[Eas] Failed to refresh Mailbox server for database *******-07b9-43**-874d-174*****d9 in resource forest (Domain name). Exception: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADTransientException: Could not find any available Domain Controller.

Check which domain controller is being used by your exchange server.

Get-ADServerSettings | fl

and then check logs on that domain controller.

August 3rd, 2015 10:21am

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