Exchange Server 2013 - LoadGen 2013

I am trying to make use of LoadGen 2013 in an Exchange 2013 environment. Initially I started with LoadGen on a different machine (same domain) and then moved LoadGen to the exchange server itself.

When I select the number of mailboxes greater than 20 I get an error message that it is fixing the user count to 20.

If I set it to 19 or 20 I dont get the message.

StoreBuilder.General Error: 0 : 12/01/2014 01:32:39 -- Diagnostic context (user: '87e4cd54-add7-4ca0-8365-66ee438a5b0a'):
 distinguishedName 'CN=EXCHANGE1 CA868A55-LGU000042,OU=Exchange1Store,OU=Users,OU=LoadGen Objects,DC=NST,DC=NET', exchServerDn '/o=MCBP/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=EXCHANGE1', userDn '/o=MCBP/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=CA868A55-LGU000042', mailNickName 'CA868A55-LGU000042', emailAddress 'CA868A55-LGU000042@NST.NET'.
StoreBuilder.General Error: 0 : 12/01/2014 01:32:39 -- Diagnostic context (user: '87e4cd54-add7-4ca0-8365-66ee438a5b0a'):
 distinguishedName 'CN=EXCHANGE1 CA868A55-LGU000042,OU=Exchange1Store,OU=Users,OU=LoadGen Objects,DC=NST,DC=NET', exchServerDn '/o=MCBP/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=EXCHANGE1', userDn '/o=MCBP/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=CA868A55-LGU000042', mailNickName 'CA868A55-LGU000042', emailAddress 'CA868A55-LGU000042@NST.NET'.
Engine.General Warning: 0 : 12/01/2014 01:32:39 -- Caught a non-fatal exception in executeTaskStub. The exception was handled by the task module: Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionNetworkError: MapiExceptionNetworkError: Unable to make connection to the server. (hr=0x80004005, ec=2423)
Diagnostic context:
    Lid: 16280   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
    Lid: 8600    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ProcessID: 3644
    Lid: 12696   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generation Time: 0414-12-01T09:32:39.9530000Z
    Lid: 10648   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generating component: 14
    Lid: 14744   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Status: -1073606646
    Lid: 9624    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 1380
    Lid: 13720   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0
    Lid: 11672   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
    Lid: 12952   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Long val: 12175
    Lid: 8856    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[1]: Unicode  string: /rpc/rpcproxy.dll?d0d142f3-93fe-4a88-97e2-ab2124805482@NST.NET:6001
    Lid: 62184  
    Lid: 16280   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
    Lid: 8600    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ProcessID: 3644
    Lid: 12696   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generation Time: 0414-12-01T09:32:39.9530000Z
    Lid: 10648   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generating component: 14
    Lid: 14744   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Status: 65536
    Lid: 9624    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 1385
    Lid: 13720   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0
    Lid: 11672   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 2
    Lid: 12952   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Long val: 8
    Lid: 13976   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[1]: Binary buffer[size=788]
    Lid: 62184  
    Lid: 16280   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ComputerName: n/a
    Lid: 8600    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: ProcessID: 3644
    Lid: 12696   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generation Time: 0414-12-01T09:32:39.9370000Z
    Lid: 10648   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Generating component: 13
    Lid: 14744   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Status: 14
    Lid: 9624    dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Detection location: 3001
    Lid: 13720   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: Flags: 0
    Lid: 11672   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: NumberOfParameters: 1
    Lid: 12952   dwParam: 0x0 Msg: EEInfo: prm[0]: Long val: 12180
    Lid: 59505   StoreEc: 0x977     
    Lid: 50544   ClientVersion: 15.0.805.0
    Lid: 52080   StoreEc: 0x977     
    Lid: 51152  
    Lid: 52465   StoreEc: 0x977     
    Lid: 60065  
    Lid: 33777   StoreEc: 0x977     
    Lid: 59805  
    Lid: 52487   StoreEc: 0x977     
    Lid: 19778  
    Lid: 27970   StoreEc: 0x977     
    Lid: 17730  
    Lid: 25922   StoreEc: 0x977     
   at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.InternalThrowIfErrorOrWarning(String message, Int32 hresult, Boolean allowWarnings, Int32 ec, DiagnosticContext diagCtx, Exception innerException)
   at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionHelper.ThrowIfError(String message, Int32 hresult, IExInterface iUnknown, Exception innerException)
   at Microsoft.Mapi.ExRpcConnectionFactory.Create(ExRpcConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
   at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiStore.OpenMapiStore(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, Guid guidMailbox, Guid guidMdb, String userName, String domainName, String password, String httpProxyServerName, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag storeFlags, CultureInfo cultureInfo, Boolean wantRedirect, String& correctServerDN, ClientIdentityInfo clientIdentity, String applicationId, Client xropClient, Boolean wantWebServices, Byte[] clientSessionInfo, TimeSpan connectionTimeout, TimeSpan callTimeout, Byte[] tenantHint)
   at Microsoft.Mapi.MapiStore.OpenMailbox(String serverDn, String userDn, String mailboxDn, String userName, String domainName, String password, String httpProxyServerName, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag storeFlags, CultureInfo cultureInfo, WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity, String applicationId)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.MapiCommon.MapiStoreUtil.<>c__DisplayClass2.<OpenMailbox>b__0()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(ThreadStart tryClause, Predicate`1 filterClause, Action`1 catchClause)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.MapiCommon.MapiStoreUtil.OpenMailbox(User user, ConnectFlag connectFlags, OpenStoreFlag openStoreFlags)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuilder.Builder.EnsureMailboxStore(User user)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuilder.Builder.BuildInboxRules(User user)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.Extensions.StoreBuilder.Builder.BuildMailboxStore(User user)

Could you please let me know a solution.

December 1st, 2014 5:51pm


This is a RPC issue. Please try to edit the LegacyExchangeDN value from Exchange database in ADSIEdit.

Refer from this similar thread

If there is any further problem, please let me know.

Best Regards.

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December 2nd, 2014 5:24am

Hi Simon,

Could you please elaborate on what needs to be changed. 

It would be great if you could point me to the document which illustrates this change (either ADSI or Commands).



February 3rd, 2015 10:15am


Please follow these steps:

  1. Open ADSIEdit.
  2. Connect server with Configure well known naming context.
  3. Navigate to CN=Configuration, DC=Company, DC=Com, CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=Company, CN=Administrative Groups, CN=Exchange Administrative Groups, CN=Databases
  4. Choose database and right click to Properties.
  5. Then edit the LegacyExchangeDN value.

Best Regards.

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 4th, 2015 4:08am

Hi Lynn,

Thanks for the information provided. Right now the value is blank. What value should I enter for this field

February 4th, 2015 4:39am

Enclosed is the screen shot of the ADSI screen.

Please let me know what changes I need to be making.

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 4th, 2015 6:02am


To ensure that the legacyExchangeDN attribute is correct, examine the legacyExchangeDN attribute of the server where this database resides because, being a child object of that server, this database will have the same legacyExchangeDN.

You should also examine other databases on this Exchange server that did not generate this error, because they should have the same legacyExchangeDN.

Best Regards.

February 4th, 2015 9:14pm

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