Exchange Server 2007 CCR replication status confusion ?
Hi All, I am confused as of why my current Replication testing cmdlet shows me FAILURE ? when in my Get-StorageGroupCopyStatusreturns all good: SummaryCopyStatus = Healthy ReplayQueueLength = 0 Suspend = False ServiceDown = False FailedMessage = (none or blank) Eventhough I have setup two NIC as follows: Internal CCR network (Cluster Private Network) between ExMBX-Prod01-VM and ExMBX-DR01-VM External LAN network into the whole domain for email access. here's the cmdlet result: [PS] C:\>Test-ReplicationHealth Server Check Result Error ------ ----- ------ ----- ExMBX-Prod01-VM ClusterNetwork *FAILED* Failures: Node 'ExMBX-Prod01-VM' has HostName 'Network Name (ExMBX-Prod01RPL-VM)' configured for log file copying over network 'Cluster Private Network - Prod', but no other node in the cluster has a HostName configured on this network. Log file copying cannot occur over network 'Cluster Private Network - Prod' until another node also has a HostName configured. Node 'ExMBX-DR01-VM' has HostName 'Network Name (ExMBX-DR01RPL-VM)' configured for log file copying over network 'Cluster Private Network - DR', but no other node in the cluster has a HostName configured on this network. Log file copying cannot occur over network ' Cluster Private Network - DR' until another node also has a HostName configured. Warnings: Network 'Cluster Public Network - DR' used for client connectivity is up but node 'ExMBX-Prod01-VM' does not have a Network Interface Card configured on it. Check that a NIC is configured for this network and is enabled. Network 'Cluster Private Network - DR' used for client connectivity is up but node 'ExMBX-Prod01-VM' does not have a Network Interface Card configured on it. Check that a NIC is configured for this network and is enabled. Network 'Cluster Private Network - Prod' used for client connectivity is up but node 'ExMBX-DR01-VM' does not have a Network Interface Card configured on it. Check that a NIC is configured for this network and is enabled. Network 'Cluster Public Network - Prod' used for client connectivity is up but node 'ExMBX-DR01-VM' does not have a Network Interface Card configured on it. Check that a NIC is configured for this network and is enabled. ExMBX-Prod01-VM QuorumGroup Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM FileShareQuorum Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM CmsGroup Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM NodePaused Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM DnsRegistrationStatus Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM ReplayService Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM DBMountedFailover Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM SGCopySuspended Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM SGCopyFailed Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM SGInitializing Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM SGCopyQueueLength Passed ExMBX-Prod01-VM SGReplayQueueLength Passed /* Server Support Specialist */
May 25th, 2011 9:02pm

Hi, Please see the following post: Errors with Test-ReplicationHealth when using a multi-subnet Windows 2008 Cluster. remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Thanks Gen Lin-MSFT
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May 26th, 2011 5:47am

Hi, Is there any update? Gen Lin TechNet Subscriber Support in forum If you have any feedback on our support, please contact Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Thanks Gen Lin-MSFT
June 1st, 2011 4:34am

Yes, all is good now.thanks for your participation.
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June 5th, 2011 4:10am

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