Exchange Server 2007 / Outlook 2003 Clients "dropped"
We're running an Exchange 2007 Server thathas had all service pack and updates applied. Our email client is Outlook 2003. For some reason, the server will "drop" a user. There is no set pattern or user. The clientwill be working fine alll day, the next morning when theylogin and try to open Outlook, they get an error saying Exchange server is unavailable and Outlook will close. We have trieddeleting their Outlook profile and recreating it, but thatdoes not work. The only "fix" is to have everyone close Outlook, down the Exchange server and restart it. Once the server has been restarted, the "dropped" client can log in with no problems. Any ideas on what may be causing this?
February 26th, 2008 12:51am
Did you check the event log on the exchange server for clues?
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February 26th, 2008 12:58am
Same problem here. After restarting the Ex server, that particular client can connect again.
I'll keep looking for a solution.
April 10th, 2008 9:36pm
Have you found any info on this yet? I haven't yet, but the problem has not happened for several weeks.
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May 21st, 2008 5:30pm