Exchange Server 2003 to 2013

We currently have a Exchange 2003 server setup on a Windows Server 2003 small business server. Domain controller is running on the same computer.

I have setup a VCenter infrastructure and have created a new network with two VMs running Windows 2012 (Exchange 2013 & Domain)

The current exchange server is live and running with about 30 users.

What is the best route to continue using the existing Domain name?

I want to archive all eixistng mail boxes and start fresh with the exchange 2013 server.

June 15th, 2015 5:26pm

Apart from above given suggestions, I would like to refer you on this informative article that seems to be a good approach while dealing in such circumstance to move from Small Organization from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2013 :

Moreover, while need to migrate users mailboxes from Exchange 2003 to 2013, you may also consider on this available automated solution( ) that could be a good alternative solution for you.

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June 17th, 2015 5:53am


As Ed said, you cant upgrade directly from exchange 2003 to 2013. You have to install exchange 2010  as a transitional plan.

You should install a new DC and install exchange 2010, migrate all mailboxes and remove Exchange 2003 , then install Exchange 2013 and again migrate the users and remove Exchange 2010.

About your question, you can have a look at the following articles:

Install Exchange 2010 in an Existing Exchange 2003 Organization

Remove the Last Legacy Exchange Server from an Exchange 2010 Organization  

Upgrade from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013

Best Regards,


June 17th, 2015 6:04am

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