Exchange Receiving on 443


Our exchange server 2013 receiving emails on port 443. If we disable the rule for incoming 443 then it receives on 25 but then we cannot connect outlook.

Any Suggestions?


April 11th, 2015 10:36am



smtp: 25
https: 443
your outlook use 443 and other mailserver to send email use 25

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April 11th, 2015 11:25am

This wouldn't be the default behavior of a mail server sending email to Exchange. Is there a smart host that receives email from the internet before Exchange? If so is it properly configured to send to Exchange on Port 25?

Additionally you can confirm that none of your receive connectors are bound to port 443 with the following PowerShell command: Get-ReceiveConnector | select identity,bindings

April 11th, 2015 4:11pm

There is no smart host.

SERVER-MAIL\Default SERVER-MAIL                         {, [::]:2525}
SERVER-MAIL\Client Proxy SERVER-MAIL                    {[::]:465,}
SERVER-MAIL\Default Frontend SERVER-MAIL                {[::]:25,}
SERVER-MAIL\Outbound Proxy Frontend SERVER-MAIL         {[::]:717,}
SERVER-MAIL\Client Frontend SERVER-MAIL                 {[::]:587,}

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April 12th, 2015 2:29am

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