Exchange Powershell
I have a list of user in CSV format. My cmdlet is to import the csv file then check which mailbox is with StorageStatusLimit = MailboxDisabled. If yes then increase mailbox. The cmdlet is working but, it appear that it also try to increase mailbox size for ok mailbox. The cmdlet is: $mbx = Import-Csv C:\Users\scpsupport\Documents\Migrate31052011.csv foreach ($mbxs in $mbx){ $1 = Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $mbxs.alias | where{ $_.StorageLimitStatus -eq 'MailboxDisabled'} #$2 = $1.totalitemsize.value.toKB() #$2 $3 = [Int]$1.totalitemsize.value.toKB()+(50*1024) #-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $4 = [String]$3+'KB' #$2=$1.totalitemsize #$3 = $2.value.toKB() #$mbxs = [String]$mbxs+'KB' Set-Mailbox -Identity $mbxs.alias -IssueWarningQuota $4 -ProhibitSendQuota $4 -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota $4 ` -UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults:$false -WhatIf When I run this cmdlet. There is error like below appear: You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. At line:8 char:38 + $3 = [Int]$1.totalitemsize.value.toKB <<<< ()+(50*1024) #-ErrorAction SilentlyCo ntinue + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (toKB:String) [], RuntimeExceptio n + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
June 2nd, 2011 5:16am

Hi there, you're missing an if-statement to make the distinction between mailboxes that do and do not cross the limit $mbx = Import-Csv C:\Users\scpsupport\Documents\Migrate31052011.csv foreach ($mbxs in $mbx){ $a = Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $mbxs.alias if($a.StorageLimitStatus -eq "MailboxDisabled"){ $3 = $a.totalitemsize.value.toKB()+(50*1024) Set-Mailbox -Identity $mbxs.alias -IssueWarningQuota $3 -ProhibitSendQuota $3 -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota $3 -UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults:$false }} Edit: for clarity, I've completed the script to do what you've asked for. You certainly don't need to manually add the 'KB'.
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June 2nd, 2011 6:00am

To share if we did use cmdlet: $3 = $a.totalitemsize.value.toKB()+(50*1024) The final mailbox size will be 157KB (e.g if mailbox size limit is 102400KB). When we aset mailbox size, we need to inform EMS that which unit of mailbox size we try to use KB,MB and etc. Without this unit, the default value is bytes. Mean that we set mailbox with following cmdlet set-mailbox -identity admin -IssueWarningQuota 102400 -ProhibitSend 102400 , this same as set-mailbox -identity admin -IssueWarningQuota 102400B -ProhibitSend 102400B So with help from MichaelVH,my final code is: <pre lang="x-powershell">$mbx = Import-Csv C:\Users\scpsupport\Documents\Migrate06062011.csv foreach ($mbxs in $mbx){ $mb = Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $mbxs.alias If ($mb.StorageLimitStatus -eq 'MailboxDisabled'){ $2= [int]$mb.totalitemsize.value.toKB()+(50*1024) $3= [string]$2+'KB' Set-Mailbox -Identity $mbxs.alias -IssueWarningQuota $3 -ProhibitSendQuota $3 -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota $3 -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults:$false } }
June 6th, 2011 12:00pm

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