Exchange 2013 mailbox, OWA , I want to add the Unread Mail folder under the Favorites section...
Any ideas on how can this be accomplished?
Technology Tips and News
Exchange 2013 mailbox, OWA , I want to add the Unread Mail folder under the Favorites section...
Any ideas on how can this be accomplished?
1. Logon to your OWA, and click Filter.
2. Select Unread, and click Apply.
3. Click Add Filter to Favorites (or the Favorites icon) for saving your filter to your Favorites navigation menu folder. When you click on the button you are presented with a dialog box so you can give the favorite a name that will appear in your Favorites navigation tree.
4. After clicking OK the favorite is added to the Favorites list.
Exchange 2013 mailbox, OWA , I want to add the Unread Mail folder under the Favorites section...
Any ideas on how can this be accomplished?
Search Folders created in and by Outlook, like unread state, is not visible and OWA so its not possible to add them to favorites. That is a feature I really miss.
Now its only possible to see unread state on a folder basis.
Where can I find Filter in OWA for Exchange 2013 ?
Where can I find Filter in OWA for Exchange 2013 ?
This is an old post, but just to give an answer for anyone else...
WebMail 2013 does not have a traditional "UnRead Folder"
Unread mail functionality is accessed directly from the Inbox.
There is a set of links, just above the Inbox and below the search box.
These links act as filters.
One of the links is "Unread".
Click this link and you will get what you desire.
No you will not get what you are looking for. This will only show you unread items within your Inbox folder, and not the subfolders of the Inbox folder.
So if you have a rule to send all mails from person A to an Inbox subfolder A, then you will never see these unread mails using the Inbox filter "Unread". You will first have to select subfolder A then select the "Unread" filter option.
Such a diaappiontment that Microsoft has not included the UNREAD Favorites folder in the Exchange 2013 OWA interface!!!