Exchange 2010 SEEDDIVERGENCECHECK File Suspended Copy


Yesterday I was working on moving the passive database Exchange 2010 SP3 to a new location.

We ensure that the path is the same as possessing the active databases.

The procedure used was as follows:
1) we suspended the copy of the database
2) create the structure of folders where the passive database will be saved
3) an Update MailboxDatabaseCopy was used, with the option to erase existing files from the console Exchange
4) The copy process appears to take place, the Event Viewer indicates that concluded successfully, but the wizard is never ending process and the folder for each database there are only 2 files, the EDB of each base and a file SEEDDIVERGENCECHECK

The first of the database where we try to move the path of passive database indicates that the process has lasted more than 13 hours and still not end the process.

I'm thinking of stopping the process and then remove the copy of the database, and then re-create the copy of the database.

I would appreciate any suggestions you can give.

Best regards,

July 22nd, 2015 11:01am

Why don't you do this?

  • Suspend database copy
  • Stop Exchange services
  • Add the new LUNs
  • Copy all the files
  • Change the drive letters so the new LUNs have the drive letters from the corresponding old LUNs
  • Start Exchange services
  • Resume database copy

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July 22nd, 2015 2:08pm

Hi Manuel,

Thank you for your question.

We suggest you didnt disturb the processing before it was completed. Because it will be depend on the size of database, network, hard performance and so on.

By your state, the Event viewer indicate concluded successfully, we could wait it for a  long time and check if there are any errors in event id. If not, we could stop wizard. Mailbox will have been moved to new location.

We could refer to the following link:

If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know.

Best Regard,


July 23rd, 2015 3:19am

Thank you for answers.

I did something similar sugested by Ed.

This is what I did:

* Dismount Databases

* Remove the old logs from Database folder

* Remove Database Copy

* Mount the Database

* Create a new Copy for the Database

* The Copy process ends successfully

Best regards,


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July 24th, 2015 11:08am

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