Exchange 2010 Public folder replication problem


Im trying to migrate my current Exchange 2010 server to another exchange 2010 Server, i have moved mailboxed to new server but im unable to move or replicate public folder to new server.

i have tried with below cmdlets.

.\Moveallreplicas.ps1 server OldeServer -newserver NewServer

Update-PublicFolderHierarchy -Server NewServer

Get-PublicFolder \ -Recurse | ft name,parentpath,replicas

Get-PublicFolderStatistics -server NewServer

Get-PublicFolderStatistics -server OldServer

After executing those commands still im seeing content of Public folder in old Server, but same is not in New Server.

Kindly assist.


Sunil Saunshi

June 26th, 2013 8:07am

Hi Sunil,

Use PFDAVADMIN or for Exchange 2010, use ExFolders.  You can specify the servers to add at the top of the hierarchy and it will propagate the changes down the entire PF structure. You can google both for download locations and instructions.  Its really self explanatory.  If you have a lot of public folders, this is the easiest/quickest method.

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July 12th, 2013 2:44pm

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