Exchange 2010 Mail Security TLS with HSBC

Dear all,

  I have setup an all-in-one exchange server without edge server role. However, it is needed to have TLS mail communication setup with HSBC. May I know what exactly configuration do I need? Do I need to implement an edge server with public cert?

  Can I enable TLS without edge server and with self-signed cert?

Thanks a lot

Best Regards,


September 16th, 2013 8:15am

have u solve this problem. Please advise if you can solve

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April 3rd, 2014 7:21am


it's not possibile to connect on TLS with HSBC without a public CA certificate. Not selfsigned is permitted.

No edge server it's mandatory.

Import certificate on Exchange computer store and set it to use with SMTP service:

-Thumbprint CERTTHUMBPRINT -Services SMTP

You need to create a custom send connector, complete domain scope with all HSBC domain and set bridgehead Exchange server. After the send connector creation set the Enforce TLS:

Set-SendConnector CONNECTORNAME -RequireTLS $true

Be careful to default internet receive connector that accept TLS connection.

This is a good site for testing:

Bye bye.


April 9th, 2015 1:52pm

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