Exchange 2010 / Win 2008 r2 trouble
Hello, My exchange 2010 has crashed for the 6th time. I have tried installing it on 2 different servers(IBM x3650 and x3650 M3) This is what is happening: First everything works fine, no errors. After 2-3 weeks EMC stops responding and my exchange 2003 starts loging problems communicating with the 2010 server. After rebooting nothing works. First thing is that the network icon in the taskbar frezes.. Outbound ping works, but inbound does not. It wil not comunicate with AD and none of the exchange services start. What I have found so far is that the same server hardware with win 2008 r2 works fine. It is the combo win 2008 r2 and exchange 2010 that make this happen(last installalation was with SP1) I also have a HP ML110 G5 in my lab that has been running for a year with no problem with exactly the same installation.. I have searched and tried everything I can think of. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards Andre
December 1st, 2010 7:10am

Hi Andre Could you try and post some of the error you are getting in the eventviewer? I can verify that Exchange 2010 (both with and without SP1) works well on a IBM x3650 M3 with Server 2008 R2 as well. Do remember to update all the firmware on the server if you haven't done so already. Do you have some sort of network teaming on the server when it is installed? It seems that the issue are related to the network, and when you haven't got access to the domain controller you will have problems starting Exchange services since they rely totally on the domain controller (GC). Also if you do have teaming, how is the switch setup also? what kind of switch is is? /MartinExchange is a passion not just a collaboration software.
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December 1st, 2010 9:22am

I think Mracket is right.. there appears to be some h/w, network issue, Please check system log and there shoudl be events related to AD topology like 2080 etc. Also it does not appear that the windows 2008 crashes else it will give a watson dump at least. Please check soem logs on your networking infra like cards, teaming etc. especially when it freezes if you are able to see it peoperties i/p , o/p packets last time connected or connected since.. should help
December 1st, 2010 11:15am

Hi Start troubleshooting this just basic, setup a basic ping script and log the results to a text file so you can see when it happens Also, I would recommend you to give the hardware vendor support a call, to me it sounds hardware related Like others said before, update firmware and drivers, then you can run diagnostic tests and also run a memory test memtest is a good one Jonas Andersson MCTS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010 | MCITP: EMA 2007/2010 | MCSE/MCSA Blog:
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December 2nd, 2010 6:28am

Hi Andre, How about your question? Any updates?Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
December 5th, 2010 10:09pm

Check your settings in the network connections area. Activate IPv6 for your LAN-connection, if it's disabled. I know similar problems (especially: network icon freeze, no exchange service starts) when IPv6 isn't correctly disabled. regards Thanks, regards, tim
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December 8th, 2010 8:18am

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