Exchange 2007 offline adress list error
Deploying exchange server 2007 I have this error when I tray to send receive from outlook 2003 and I get this error :Task 'Microsoft Exchange Server' reported error (0x8004010F) : 'The operation failed. An object could not be found.' I went to exchange server , I run the best practices analyzer , and I get same errors , this is one of them :Offline address book definition is missing Server: MAIL0The 'msExchUseOAB' value for mailbox store 'Mailbox Database' on server MAIL0 is missing. This will cause offline address book errors for 6 users in this databaseI so same help in the exchange analyzer tool, but its refer to exchange 2003 steps , doesnt helpCan you please help me with this?What I done for the moment, I went to the server , I create a new offline address book , and set it up as default , I delete the first default one , but still the problem comes up.
April 17th, 2007 3:45pm
Server Configuration --> Mailbox --> First Storage Group --> Mailbox Database (choose properties) --> Client Settings.
Defineoffline address book for Information Store. Clients willfail with that error if one is not present
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April 19th, 2007 10:56pm
Thanks , i done it , but stell i have the error from outlook 2003 client side
any idea ?
serverside solved
April 20th, 2007 3:08pm
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 20th, 2007 9:08pm
This is for exchange 2007 with outlook 2007 i was getting this error while trying to download OAB from outlook 2007 client
Task 'microsoft exchange server' reported error (0x8004010F): 'The operation failed. An object could not be found.'
This post helped me out
Good Luck
May 13th, 2007 9:14am
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 8th, 2007 7:18pm
Thank You. Fixed my problem!!!!
April 4th, 2008 11:15pm