I tried it and i am getting the below error when i try to install
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\administrator.ACOGOV>cluster group
Listing status for all available resource groups:
Group Node Status
-------------------- --------------- ------
Cluster Group OCFAMB002 Online
Available Storage OCFAMB002 Online
D:\>setup.com /m:install /roles:mailbox /newcms /cmsname:OCFAMAIL /cmsipaddress: /cmssharedstorage /cmsdatapath:M:\MailBox\
Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unattended Setup
Preparing Exchange Setup
The following server roles will be installed
Management Tools
Mailbox Role
Clustered Mailbox Server
Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
Mailbox Role Checks ......................... COMPLETED
Clustered Mailbox Role Checks ......................... COMPLETED
Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server
Copying Exchange files ......................... COMPLETED
Exchange Management Tools ......................... COMPLETED
Mailbox Server Role ......................... FAILED
An error occurred. The error code was 3221684229. The message was Access is
The Exchange Server Setup operation did not complete. For more information, visi
t http://support.microsoft.com and enter the Error ID.
Exchange Server setup encountered an error.
I am trying to install a as administrator but still giving the same error.