Exchange 2007 Ent SP1 x64 installation
Installing a new 2007 Exchange 2007 x64 Ent SP1 Server in an existing MSX 2003 organization. Server hardware is new, OS is Server 2008 Ent. x64, no other apps. Pre-reqs have been installed incl domain, schema prep without error. WHen it comes to running Setup from the extracted files, the system fails on installing the Management Tools with the following: Microsoft ExchangeValue cannot be null. Paraemeter name: Path1Exchange installation failes at that point and nothing more can be done other than to click OK and Finish.[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange 2007 Setup[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] **********************************************[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] Operating System version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2.[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] Setup version:[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] Logged on user: HILLER\administrator.[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Install'.[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64'.[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''.[2/26/2010 12:22:02 PM] [0] ExSetupUI was started with the following command: '-mode:install -sourcedir:C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64 /FromSetup'.[2/26/2010 12:22:04 PM] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use[2/26/2010 12:22:04 PM] [0] Setup is choosing a local domain controller...[2/26/2010 12:22:06 PM] [0] Setup has chosen the local domain controller for initial queries[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] PrepareAD has been run, and has replicated to this domain controller; so setup will use[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog...[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will use the domain controller ''.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will use the global catalog ''.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=tampa,DC=hillergroup,DC=com'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=Hiller,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=tampa,DC=hillergroup,DC=com'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'HGPE2970-02'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Exchange Server object found : 'CN=HGPE2970-02,CN=Servers,CN=HILLER,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Hiller,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=tampa,DC=hillergroup,DC=com'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] The following roles are unpacked: [2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] The following roles are installed: [2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] The local server does not have any Exchange files installed.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64' for installing Exchange.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will discover the installed roles from server object 'CN=HGPE2970-02,CN=Servers,CN=HILLER,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Hiller,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=tampa,DC=hillergroup,DC=com'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] The server is cluster type: 'None'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] The requested cluster type: 'None'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Install'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] An Exchange organization with name 'Hiller' was found in this forest.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'True'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Applying default role selection state[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value Hiller.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value Hiller.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 4 DataHandlers[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value Hiller.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value Hiller.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers[2/26/2010 12:22:07 PM] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers[2/26/2010 12:22:21 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles[2/26/2010 12:22:21 PM] [0] Validating options for the 0 requested roles[2/26/2010 12:22:27 PM] [0] **************[2/26/2010 12:22:27 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'[2/26/2010 12:22:27 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController '' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $true -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'Bridgehead' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess','Mailbox' -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server'' [2/26/2010 12:22:27 PM] [1] Beginning processing.[2/26/2010 12:22:47 PM] [1] Beginning processing.[2/26/2010 12:22:47 PM] [1] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: '', Preferred Global Catalog: '', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ }'[2/26/2010 12:22:47 PM] [1] Searching objects of type "SmtpSendConnectorConfig" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "Administrative Groups".[2/26/2010 12:22:47 PM] [1] Previous operation run on domain controller ''.[2/26/2010 12:22:47 PM] [1] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".[2/26/2010 12:22:47 PM] [1] Ending processing.[2/26/2010 12:22:48 PM] [1] [WARNING] Setup cannot detect an SMTP or Send connector with an address space of '*'. Mail flow to the Internet may not work properly.[2/26/2010 12:22:48 PM] [1] Ending processing.[2/26/2010 12:22:48 PM] [0] **************[2/26/2010 12:22:48 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'[2/26/2010 12:22:48 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController '' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $false -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'ClientAccess' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess','Mailbox' -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -IISInstalled $true' [2/26/2010 12:22:48 PM] [1] Beginning processing.[2/26/2010 12:22:51 PM] [1] Ending processing.[2/26/2010 12:22:51 PM] [0] **************[2/26/2010 12:22:51 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'test-setuphealth'[2/26/2010 12:22:51 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'test-setuphealth -DomainController '' -DownloadConfigurationUpdates $false -ExchangeVersion '' -Roles 'Mailbox' -ScanType 'PrecheckInstall' -SetupRoles 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess','Mailbox' -CreatePublicDB $true -TargetDir 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -IISInstalled $true' [2/26/2010 12:22:51 PM] [1] Beginning processing.[2/26/2010 12:22:54 PM] [1] [WARNING] If Outlook Web Access is in use, you should replicate the free/busy folder on this server to every other free/busy server in the organization. This step should be performed once Setup completes.[2/26/2010 12:22:54 PM] [1] Ending processing.[2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform.[2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value Hiller.[2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\Setup\ServerRoles\Common'.[2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 5 DataHandlers[2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers[2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [0] **************[2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'install-msipackage'[2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'install-msipackage -logfile 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\ExchangeSetup.msilog' -targetdirectory 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server' -features 'AdminTools','Bridgehead','ClientAccess','Mailbox' -packagepath 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\exchangeserver.msi' -updatesdir 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\Updates' -PropertyValues 'DISABLEERRORREPORTING=0 PRODUCTLANGUAGELCID=1033 DEFAULTLANGUAGENAME=ENU DEFAULTLANGUAGELCID=1033 INSTALLCOMMENT="Installed language for this product: English (United States)"'' [2/26/2010 12:23:15 PM] [1] Beginning processing.[2/26/2010 12:23:20 PM] [1] ProductCode is '24b2c164-de66-44fe-b468-a46d9d5e6b31'.[2/26/2010 12:23:20 PM] [1] PackagePath was set to 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\exchangeserver.msi'; normalizing to 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\exchangeserver.msi'.[2/26/2010 12:23:22 PM] [1] ProductCode is '24b2c164-de66-44fe-b468-a46d9d5e6b31'.[2/26/2010 12:23:22 PM] [1] Installing MSI package 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\exchangeserver.msi'.[2/26/2010 12:23:38 PM] [1] Ending processing.[2/26/2010 12:23:38 PM] [0] **************[2/26/2010 12:23:38 PM] [0] Setup will run the task 'Install-AdminToolsRole'[2/26/2010 12:23:38 PM] [1] Setup launched task 'Install-AdminToolsRole -DomainController '' -updatesdir 'C:\Exchange2007\SP1\x64\Updates'' [2/26/2010 12:51:00 PM] [0] [WARNING] Setup has made changes to operating system settings that require a reboot to take effect. Please reboot this server prior to placing it into production.[2/26/2010 12:51:02 PM] [0] End of Setup[2/26/2010 12:51:02 PM] [0] **********************************************john
February 26th, 2010 8:58pm

I'm not seeing where it fails.
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February 27th, 2010 4:39pm

Hi,Please reboot your Exchange Server and then run the setup again.Regards,Xiu
March 1st, 2010 1:08pm

hi ,also check the source of exchange 2007 & try to download fresh version
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March 1st, 2010 8:22pm

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