Exchange 2007 DG Members
Hello,I am using that below shell command to get members from a DG:Get-DistributionGroupMember –identity “group name” | ft name, primarysmtpaddress | Export-CSV c:\members.csvI would need to extract all the Distribution groups with the members.It may be a simple thing to change but can not figure out what needs to be change.Note that I have a lot of distribution groups.Regards,Gregory
January 18th, 2010 11:53am

This works on my box. It is slightly changed from here: Powershell command to list all distribution groups and members of those groups # Initialize array with three fields: # Distribution group, Members, Primary SMTP Address $totalObj = @() # Retrieve all DGs $temp = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | # Loop through all distribution groups ForEach-Object { # Add the members of the DG to an array [array]$mem = Get-DistributionGroupMember -id $_ # Loop through the DG and assign each member name to the variable $member for ($i = 0; $i -lt $mem.Count; $i++) { $member = $mem[$i].name $smtpAddress = $mem[$i].PrimarySmtpAddress # Create instance of object of type .NET $obj = New-Object System.Object # Add the name of the DG to the object only the first time if ($i -eq 0) { $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $_.Name -Name 'Distribution Group' -Force } # Add the member name to the object $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $member -Name 'Members' -Force -PassThru # Add the member name to the object $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $smtpAddress -Name 'SMTP Address' -Force -PassThru # Add the object to the array $totalObj += $obj } } # Pipe output to .csv file $totalObj | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding 'Unicode' -Path c:\temp\ngtest.csv MCTS: Messaging | MCSE: S+M | Small Business Specialist
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January 18th, 2010 1:09pm

Amazing Script!! as usual Jon-Alfred!!Thanks a milion.Graig
January 18th, 2010 3:46pm

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