Exchange 2007 Cross-Forest Mailbox Move
I have successfully moved a mailbox today from Exchange 2003 -> Exchange 2007 (Cross Forest). Now I'm trying to move from Exchange 2007 -> Exchange 2007 (Cross Forest) and am coming across the following error: "Failed to set basic mailbox information, will retry in 60 seconds. The mailbox couldn't be found". The commands I'm running are: $c = get-credential (Enter credentials for ForestA)$t = get-credential (Enter credentials for ForestB) move-mailbox -TargetDatabase "ExchForestA\sixth storage group\mailboxdbsg6" -identity 'agtest' -SourceForestGlobalCatalog -NTAccountOU "OU=Test,DC=domain,DC=ca" -SourceForestCredential$c -TargetForestCredential $t Is there something I'm missing? I've tried creating a new user/mailbox just to make sure it wasn't that one specific account but that resulted in the same error. If I run the following command, it does find the mailbox without any problems: get-mailbox -Identityagtest -DomainController -Credential $c I've seen some suggestions on piping the get-mailbox along with the move-mailbox. Can someone provide an example of how to do this for a single mailbox? Thanks!
May 1st, 2008 11:51pm

I came across the same issue, but today i've figured out an acceptable workaround (at least for our situation). Move the users with ADMT, make mailboxes via EMC or EMS, then send a simple email to everyone. Then move-mailbox with the -AllowMerge option.I've tested it with one account and it did resolve the waiting time. Very nice when you have to migrate hundreds of accounts.My theory: The waiting time is generated because the mailbox does not yet exist in the Exchange Server 2007 store. After sending an email, it is created (as with previous versions of Exchange).
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October 6th, 2008 3:44pm

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