Exchange 2007 Client Server Access Roles Failed To Install!
Hi Guys
Perhaps someone can shed light on this for me
I am installing exchange 2007 on a new server freshly built. It is co existing with an exchange 2003 server.
Are orginal exchange server was called snoopy (dont ask!) and we migrated all users to a temp exchange 2003 server which is working fine. we then rebuilt the original box but kept it the same name. We removed every trace we found in active directory of exchange and the domain controller called snoopy. we reinstalled with the same name to make life easier for us but as a member server only. All roles install fine except the client access role and the unified messaging role.
in the event log it appears with
event id :1002
Exchange Server component Client Access Role failed.
Error: Error:
Exchange server "SNOOPY
DEL:f64ab255-d6ea-46b6-a781-76af4408b7f5" was not found. Please make sure you have typed it correctly.
the end of the setup log is as follows
[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole MailboxRole [06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Install-ClientAccessRole-20070606-1601580462.ps1'[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleIsClusterNode = $False', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleIsClusterNode = $False'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleNoSelfSignedCertificates = $False', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleNoSelfSignedCertificates = $False'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleInvocationID = "20070606-1601580462"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleInvocationID = "20070606-1601580462"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleInstallPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleInstallPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleLoggedOnUser = "CSS\zeus"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleLoggedOnUser = "CSS\zeus"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleInstallationMode = "Install"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleInstallationMode = "Install"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RolePreviousVersion = ""', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RolePreviousVersion = ""'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleIsMailboxRoleInstalled = $True', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleIsMailboxRoleInstalled = $True'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleBinPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleBinPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Bin"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleSetupLoggingPath = "C:\ExchangeSetupLogs"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleSetupLoggingPath = "C:\ExchangeSetupLogs"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleFqdnOrName = "snoopy.css.dom"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleFqdnOrName = "snoopy.css.dom"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleTargetVersion = "8.0.685.25"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleTargetVersion = "8.0.685.25"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleUpdatesDir = "c:\disklib\E2K7EN64\Updates"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleUpdatesDir = "c:\disklib\E2K7EN64\Updates"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleRoleName = "ClientAccessRole"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleRoleName = "ClientAccessRole"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleDomainController = "isa2006.css.dom"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleDomainController = "isa2006.css.dom"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleProductPlatform = "amd64"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleProductPlatform = "amd64"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleNetBIOSName = "SNOOPY"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleNetBIOSName = "SNOOPY"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing '$RoleLoggingPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Logging"', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); $RoleLoggingPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Logging"'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Setup failed previously while performing the action Install. Looking for the failed task with ID f60b912d.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Found 61 tasks to execute[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Processing component 'OWA Configuration' (Configuring Outlook Web Access for Client Access role.).[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Executing 'get-OfflineAddressBook -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where { $_.IsDefault } | Enable-OabWebDistribution', handleError = False[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); get-OfflineAddressBook -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where { $_.IsDefault } | Enable-OabWebDistribution'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Beginning processing.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Beginning processing.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'isa2006.css.dom', Preferred Global Catalog: 'css-bes.css.dom', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ isa2006.css.dom }'[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Searching objects of type "OfflineAddressBook" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "Offline Address Lists".[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'isa2006.css.dom'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Preparing to output objects. Maximum result set size "unlimited".[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Administrator Active Directory session settings are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'isa2006.css.dom', Preferred Global Catalog: 'css-bes.css.dom', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ isa2006.css.dom }'[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Searching objects "\Default Offline Address List" of type "OfflineAddressBook" under the root "$null".[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'isa2006.css.dom'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Searching objects "SNOOPYDEL:f64ab255-d6ea-46b6-a781-76af4408b7f5" of type "Server" under the root "$null".[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'isa2006.css.dom'.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] [ERROR] Exchange server "SNOOPYDEL:f64ab255-d6ea-46b6-a781-76af4408b7f5" was not found. Please make sure you have typed it correctly.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Ending processing.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [2] Ending processing.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Exchange server "SNOOPYDEL:f64ab255-d6ea-46b6-a781-76af4408b7f5" was not found. Please make sure you have typed it correctly.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ManagementObjectNotFoundException: Exchange server "SNOOPYDEL:f64ab255-d6ea-46b6-a781-76af4408b7f5" was not found. Please make sure you have typed it correctly. at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.DataAccessTask`1.GetDataObject[TObject](IIdentityParameter id, IConfigDataProvider session, ObjectId rootID, Nullable`1 notFoundError, LocalizedString multipleFoundError) at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.EnableOabWebDistribution.InternalValidate() at Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.Task.ProcessRecord()[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] [ERROR] Exchange server "SNOOPYDEL:f64ab255-d6ea-46b6-a781-76af4408b7f5" was not found. Please make sure you have typed it correctly.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Setup is halting task execution because of one or more errors in a critical task.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Finished executing component tasks.[06/06/2007 16:01:58] [1] Ending processing.
can someone please help its driving me nuts at this stage!
June 6th, 2007 6:10pm
HI, I do have the same probs with Client Access Role, The error code is the same. Can some one help? Appreciated
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June 25th, 2007 1:29pm
I am also facing the same issue. Please let me know of anyone have found a solution for it. I sit possible to identify this old entry [snoopy] from ADSIEDIT ?
June 26th, 2007 11:14am
I encountered this same issue by doing the following.Install first E2007 server in a domain with E2003.Nuke that server. (no clean uninstall)Install second E2007 server in the same domain.CAS install fails.This is because the offline address book is still set to the old server.You can find the key if you look with adsiedit at:domain->configuration->services->microsoft exchange->(organization)->address lists container->offline address listsI tried to modify the attribute to no avail, nor could I delete it. When I get a solid workaround I'll followup.This looks like an E2007 bug.Thanks,Robert
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 27th, 2007 11:30am
I Changes the Offline address book via the exchange 2003 system manager instead and it worked fine, Perhaps the Adsi Edit Sledgehammer missed something ?
July 2nd, 2007 4:07am
Finally we have taken the support from microsoft and it works. They did the same what exactly Robert did. Thanks Robert
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 5th, 2007 9:16am
It works fine. Thanks.
July 5th, 2007 9:19am
I was able to find the CAR entry in ADSIEDIT - Thanks Robert! I deleted it and now the CAR installs fine. I also had trash from an old failed Exchange install that was thwarting a new install.
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October 2nd, 2009 5:42am