Exchange 2003 - Recipient Update Service do not greate e-mails in Child domain, events 8022, 8270 [32], 8168
Exchange 2003 - Recipient Update Service do not greate e-mail adresses, events 8022, 8270 [32], 8168from MSExchangeAL.Configuration: The Root domain with Exch 2003 + Exch 2007. And6 Child domains with 6Exch 2003 (and all of it there are on there DC's).Each domain have Recipient email policy, based on mask was greated the 7th child domain and installed Exch 2003 on it. The exchange server installed on member server of child domain (not on DC).In this domain/exchange RUS dont work property. E-mais dont greates. In logs registered event: MSExchangeAL 8022, 8270[32] and8168.There are following spets that didnt help:1. Imake/domainprep again in child domain and rebuild RUS, this dont fix a problem (from setup 2003).2. I verify all groups "Exchange EntServers" and "Pre-Win2000". All of this groups include Local "Exchange Domain group" fromall domains.3. I verify that group Exhange Enterprise has 4 permitions for write on domain level and it correlate with other 6 domains.All inheritance are normal.4. I remove (deinstall) Exchange in 7th domain (beforeI delete RUS & email policy) and after correctly downgreatethis domain (demoute last his DC). After3 days I greate new domain with the same name and install exchange on member server. RUS also doesnt work.Thenext articlesdont help to resolve problem: Permissions and /domainprep) Enterprise Serversand Modify Permissions).And some other.
August 31st, 2009 4:45pm

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