Ex2013 rejected message / mailflow issue?

Hi, I'm troubleshooting some mailflow issues on a single Ex2013 server that performs all roles, with 2 mdb. 

I'm getting periodic mailflow delays of anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes no more than 2 times a day.

Two items of interest - one, the EdgeSync service seems to fail periodically/occasionally and stays offline.  Not sure if this interrupts the mailflow when the service fails or not.  Mail is flowing and clients connect fine now and service is offline. I do not have active EdgeSync subscriptions.

Two, when mailflow is interrupted, my upstream spam filter service reports delivery delay with - "The last reason for failure: message text rejected by mail."

I have seen a few threads on this "message text rejected" but not a ton of info.  I don't see a ton of useful info in the Event logs or the SMTP connect logs.

Any ideas?

July 20th, 2015 3:55pm


Could you please detail if mailflow issue is  incoming or outgoing, or both?

Issue appears when you have attachments or only text message?

On next tool you can check where is mailbox taking more time to process: http://mxtoolbox.com/EmailHeaders.aspx

You only have to put the header of the message.

If you have only one server, you don't need edgesync service working.


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July 20th, 2015 4:48pm


First of all, we dont suggest to install all roles on one single Server.

And EdgeSync subscriptions is useless without Edge Transport Server. So I suggest to remove the Edge Subscriptions to check this issue, if there is no Edge Transport Server in your organization.

Please check and post the full NDR message for troubleshooting when mailflow is interrupted.

Best Regards.

July 21st, 2015 3:48am

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