Dynamic Distribution Group - Filter on AD 'MemberOfGroup'

Hi all,

We have a need to create a dynamic distribution group based on members of an Active Directory global security group. If this works, it will be merged with another 'and' statement based on the users department as well.

If I run the following in EMS, I get the correct result:

Get-Recipient -Filter {(memberofgroup -eq "CN=10HAA0-ShadowHub,OU=PSRManagedGroups,OU=Managed,OU=Groups,DC=prep,DC=ad,DC=dev")}

Name                                                        RecipientType
----                                                        -------------
PREP05                                                 UserMailbox

I can then create a new dynamic distribution group with that filter:

New-DynamicDistributionGroup Test2 -RecipientFilter {(memberofgroup -eq "CN=10HAA0-ShadowHub,OU=PSRManagedGroups,OU=Managed,OU=Groups,DC=prep,DC=ad,DC=dev")}

The group is created fine, but when I go into the properties of the group in EMC and do a 'preview' it does not show the 'prep05' user like I was hoping for. I have tried changing the container that the filter should apply to (have taken it back to the root of the domain) and that didn't help.

Is it possible to have a dynamic distribution group that filters based on being a member of an AD global security group?

July 11th, 2013 8:55am

What about the below?

Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity "Test2" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox') -and (memberOfgroup -eq 'CN=10HAA0-ShadowHub,OU=PSRManagedGroups,OU=Managed,OU=Groups,DC=prep,DC=ad,DC=dev'))}

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July 11th, 2013 9:34am


Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately that hasn't worked either, still nothing when previewing the dynamic distribution group.

July 11th, 2013 2:17pm

Anyone else have any suggestions?
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July 16th, 2013 7:40pm

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