DownloadOAB:There is no OAB folder matches with user's OfflineABDn .
I would appreciate explanations of what is going on and how one can make Loadgen run. In general it looks like initialization screwed up. Would be good to learn:
1. Why and how to prevent it from happening again;
2. How to "reverse" initialization, if this is needed;
3. How to read LoadGenSim (see an example below).
Here is more info.
I am just learning how to use Loadgen. So I configuredasimplenew test with just 6 users in one group using Outl2k3 cached client and "heavy" action profile, 5min long "simulated day" and 5 min run length. Initialization took about an hour and then reported successful completion.
But LoadGenInit file contains just one sentence:
"Engine.Control Warning: 0 : 9/23/2008 2:29:03 PM -- It's possible that extended ESE Performance Counters is disabled on the server. Please refer to for how to enable it."
The test failed with the following first lines in the LoadGenSim file:
Outlook2003Cached.General Error: 0 : 9/23/2008 3:48:04 PM -- GEN-VCS240 A51B77C1-LGU000005ownloadOAB:There is no OAB folder matches with user's OfflineABDn .Outlook2003Cached.General Error: 0 : 9/23/2008 3:49:56 PM -- GEN-VCS240 A51B77C1-LGU000004ownloadOAB:There is no OAB folder matches with user's OfflineABDn .Engine.Control Error: 0 : 9/23/2008 3:50:28 PM -- TooMuchLoad: t 235; tAferPreTestLogon: 1; exchQueueCount: 5; exchUserCount 6; Engine.General Error: 0 : 9/23/2008 3:50:28 PM -- TaskEngine:ispatchTasks() caught exception:Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.SwordfishExceptionTooMuchLoad: Number of unfinished tasks including those in the queue and those are being executed is greater than 1.5 times the number of users.
Engine State: StartedTotal Test Runtime: 00:03:01Task Interval: 757Total Users: 6Active Users: 6Task Q Length (shared): 0 (busy workers: 0 of 0)Task Q Length (GEN-VCS240): 6 (busy workers: 80 of 80)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.dispatchExchUsers() at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.dispatchExchTasks() at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.<dispatchTasks>b__18() at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(ThreadStart tryClause, Predicate`1 filterClause, Action`1 catchClause)Engine.General Error: 0 : 9/23/2008 3:50:28 PM -- Simulation failed because the actual duration 00D:00H:00M:00S does not match with the specified duration 00D:00H:10M:00S.Engine.General Warning: 0 : 9/23/2008 3:50:28 PM -- Engine stop time is not set when calculating estimated tasks for user grouup UserGroup9, using DateTime.Now 9/23/2008 3:50:28 PM as the stop time.LoadGenWin Error: 0 : 9/23/2008 3:50:48 PM -- Engine throws an excpetion:Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.SwordfishExceptionTooMuchLoad: Number of unfinished tasks including those in the queue and those are being executed is greater than 1.5 times the number of users.
Engine State: StartedTotal Test Runtime: 00:03:01Task Interval: 757Total Users: 6Active Users: 6Task Q Length (shared): 0 (busy workers: 0 of 0)Task Q Length (GEN-VCS240): 6 (busy workers: 80 of 80)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.dispatchExchUsers() at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.dispatchExchTasks() at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.TaskEngine.<dispatchTasks>b__18() at Microsoft.Exchange.Swordfish.IL.ILUtil.DoTryFilterCatch(ThreadStart tryClause, Predicate`1 filterClause, Action`1 catchClause)
September 24th, 2008 4:23am