Does anyone have problems sending mass mailings? (Exchange 2007)
Is anyone having problems sending an e-mail to hundreds of recipients? I opened a thread at a problem I have getting mail from my HT to my ET when the message has hundreds of BCC addresses. (No help so far.)
Does anyone routinely send a single message to many clients using Edge Transport? I'd like to know if it works for someone at least.
June 25th, 2007 10:02pm
I had this problem in my lab demo I set up earlier . It's due to "Exchange 2007 Intra-Org connector authentication failure" .
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June 27th, 2007 9:12am
It's not that. The problem is with tarpitting.
Exchange, like other SMTP implementations,uses a tarpit interval to make life hard for spammers. This inserts a pause between a RCPT command and the server response. By default, Exchange has a 5-second tarpit interval. Once the number of recipients reaches about 60, five minutes is required for the list of recipients to be sent. This is the default connection timeout for Edge Transport servers.
My solution was to eliminate the tarpit interval for my receive connector using EMS.
June 27th, 2007 7:27pm