Disable Server-side search


I have a question regarding exchange 2013 activesync policies. 

We have enabled ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy MaxEmailAgeFilter property to oneWeek. It works OK, but the user (who uses Microsoft outlook client for android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.office.outlook ) still have the possibility to search emails even older than this limit. As I understand this is due to the "server-side search" mechanism. For the security purpose I'd love to disable this feature, so that the user is only able to search those emails, that are downloaded on his device. Is this possible? 

Thanks in advance! 

September 3rd, 2015 1:46pm

Hi Vlakol,

I'm not sure how the android app works, but by looking at the name it appears to be using Outlook Anywhere to connect to Exchange instead of ActiveSync, hence most likely the ActiveSync policies won't work there.

Anyways disabling the fast search mechanism will have a large impact on the users, PC Outlook search as well.

It would also impact your ability to do discovery search \ In-Place Hold on user mailboxes etc.

Disable or enable Exchange Search:


By default, Exchange Search is enabled for all new mailbox databases and doesnt require additional configuration. However, if you want to stop Exchange Search from indexing mailbox content, you can disable it for individual mailbox databases or for an entire Mailbox server.

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September 4th, 2015 8:30am

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Disabling Exchange Search impacts the functionality and performance of the full-text searches that are performed by your users using Outlook in online mode or on Windows mobile devices.
In-Place eDiscovery also relies on Exchange Search. If you disable Exchange Search for a mailbox database or for a Mailbox server, In-Place eDiscovery searches won't return any messages from the database or server.

As per my view it will do more harm(more security issues) than solving a single security issue.