Default bullet indentation

MS Office 2013 has a default indentation for bullets and the bulleted text. I always change these indentations when I create a bulleted list.  I do this because the default settings are esthetically ugly.  If I subsequently make any changes to that list, Word resets the whole list back to its own default indentations.

If I have chosen how to indent the bullets and text in my document, why would I EVER want Word to change that?

Why does Word 2013 not allow users to set their own default bullet indentation, either for all documents or for a specific document (as is possible with line spacing)?  As I recall, previous versions of Word DID allow me to do this.  [A somewhat related issue:  Why is Word's default line spacing 8pt after each paragraph?  The default should be 0pt; anything else is Word trying to impose a look on my document.  Changing this default setting is relatively easy, but I still need to do it every time I'm working with a new version of Word, or a new computer.  And finally, in a bulleted list I often want to change the line spacing after each bullet; why in the world is Word's default to check the box saying "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style"?  When I have just changed the line spacing, unless I remember to uncheck that box, Word simply ignores what I just told it to do.  In other words, the default is to ignore the user's own manually chosen line spacing choice within a bulleted list.  This makes no sense.]

Of all the maddening autocorrect and autoformating things that Word does, its insistence on resetting my bullet indentions back to its own random default indentations is by far the MOST maddening.  I end up resetting the bullet indentations over and over again, wasting huge amounts of my time, while muttering "why would you ever want that to happen?" under my breath, and occasionally shouting the same.  I have also wasted an enormous amount of time searching for a solution to this problem (I'm told there is none).

Main point:  When a user has manually chosen how to indent bullets within a document, why would anyone EVER want Word to automatically reset that back to some arbitrary default?  It makes no sense.

  • Edited by tchad49 15 hours 26 minutes ago
April 17th, 2015 11:44am

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