Contacts Not Showing up in GAL
New Contacts created by MIIS not showing up in GAL. The contacts show up in all contacts address list, but not in GAL. Exchange 2007 SP 2 Rollup 3, no 2010 or 2003 exchange servers. 2003 servers were decommissioned. Outlook 2003 SP3 clients, non cached mode. Suggestions as always are appreciated.
May 5th, 2010 5:38pm

New Contacts created by MIIS not showing up in GAL. The contacts show up in all contacts address list, but not in GAL. Exchange 2007 SP 2 Rollup 3, no 2010 or 2003 exchange servers. 2003 servers were decommissioned. Outlook 2003 SP3 clients, non cached mode. Suggestions as always are oappreciated. Can u see new contacts in OWA for the same mailbox user? I think u can. I also think that you might have problem with Offline Address Book. OABs are not generated so frequently that new contacts would show immediately. By default OABs are generated once in a day, so u should check by manually generating the OAB using three easy steps mentioned here:Manually Generating Offline Address Book on Exchange 2007/2010 After generating the OAB download the OAB in outlook using Tools->Send Receive ->Download Address Book and then check whether u have the new contacts.Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
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May 5th, 2010 6:16pm

Did you try updating the Offline Address Book? Santhosh Sivarajan | MCTS, MCSE (W2K3/W2K/NT4), MCSA (W2K3/W2K/MSG), CCNA, Network+ Houston, TX This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
May 6th, 2010 1:04am

Hey thanks for the replies everyone. I don't have any users using cached mode. I'm not in cached mode. Why would the OAB be the problem. I can't see the contacts in OWA. I can get the new MIIS contacts to show up when I click Hide and Unhide them from the GAL. By going into the Exchange Management Console and checking Hide from Exchange Address Lists and then unchecking it. It's not a very effected way to enable 10's of thousands of contacts though so I need help figuring out why Exchange isn't adding them into the GAL right away.
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May 6th, 2010 8:45am

Hey thanks for the replies everyone. I don't have any users using cached mode. I'm not in cached mode. Why would the OAB be the problem. I can't see the contacts in OWA. I can get the new MIIS contacts to show up when I click Hide and Unhide them from the GAL. By going into the Exchange Management Console and checking Hide from Exchange Address Lists and then unchecking it. It's not a very effected way to enable 10's of thousands of contacts though so I need help figuring out why Exchange isn't adding them into the GAL right away. Hi, Ok. I have seen this kind of issues earlier too, where the problem was due to upgraded GAL. So have u upgraded your GAL from legacy exchange version? Can u post the recipient filter of your GAL get-globalAddressList "YourGA" |FL *filter Also can u verify that you contacts don't have null Aliases? U can check it for any contact created by MIIS: get-mailContact "YourContact" |FL Name,Alias Regards,Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
May 6th, 2010 8:58am

Hi, This post looks very much similar to your problem: Sharepoint Contacts are not showing up in GAL, all addresses are under "All addresslist/All Contact" in Exchange 2007 Regards,Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
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May 6th, 2010 9:29am

Hi, For this issue, please first post the Recipient Filter of the GAL and All Contacts address list. The command is as below: Get-GlobalAddressList |fl *filter Get-addresslist -identity "All Contacts" |fl *filter, then post the information here. Additionally, I suspect the contact has the showInAddressBook attribute issue which results in missing in GAL. You can use LDP tool to dump the non working conact attribute based on the following steps: a. Double click on LDP.exe b. Select Connection from the menu and select Connect from the drop down. c. Server dialog>Enter the Domain Controller and click OK. d. Select Connection from the menu and select Bind from the drop down. e. If logged on as an Administrator leave credentials blank and click OK out otherwise enter Administrator credentials. f. From the menu select View and from the drop down select Tree. g. Leave the Base DN blank and click OK. h. Expand the DC from the left frame. i. Double click on the CN (common name) = Users j. Select the appropriate user we need to take an LDP dump of. k. Click Ctrl + N to clear out existing data. l. Click off user and then click back to the user to refresh new data. m. From the menu select Connection and then select Save As from the drop down menu. n. Name the file appropriately i.e. log1 and send to me Thanks Allen
May 10th, 2010 10:07pm

i faced this problem using ILM, i just run the following cmd on the exchange server and contacts synced become available in GAL. Get-Mailcontact | Update-Recipient Hope this helpCapecol MCSA - MCTS Exchange Server 2007 - 2010 - MCITP Messaging 2010 Blog:
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May 10th, 2010 10:44pm

The MIIS is not fully functional with E2K7, because it can not start the necessary commandlets in powershell. You need ILM 2007 FP1 with Servicepack 1 to make this work. See We had the same issue with ILM 2007 FP1. After installing SP 1 the update-recipient commandlet was called successfully.
May 11th, 2010 5:46am

Please check with OWA , are all contact there in GAL ? Thanks
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May 11th, 2010 10:59am

This is probably little late but the reason behind it is that the E2k7 Policy not updating the "showinaddresssbook" attribute on the contact.s. Usually this is related that another exchange e2k7 policy is running prior to the default policy check your email address policy priority or filter ILM and MIIS create AD contact base on ADSI low level LDAP Calls so exchange is not contacted when a new contact created that was't a problem in e2k3 as Rus will do this task regardless you have a recipent policy or not. RUS run in the background periodically and update the info, But inE2k7 native org a powershell calls have to be made to exchange to tell exchagne to go and update the contact with proper policy (rus is no more) when the contact create by ILM or MIIS. ILM and MIIS don't make that call you could use in ILM exchagne 2007 provision but then you complicated your design as you need extra exchange permission. Also there are other attribute that ILM doens't touch by defualt like LegacyexchagneDN So using a combination of ILM and a scheduled E2k7 policy to create a valid contact si the Easier and more efficent approach to create a valid contacts. You can tag all ILM contacts with a specific attribute (E.G. Ext7) and create an E2k7 Policy to run on these contacts... you can then use task scheduler and powershell command to execute the ILM policy
July 10th, 2012 5:12pm

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