Clean out old SBS Exchange AD remnants in order to deploy Exchange 2010
A little complicated; please bear with me. I'm a tech consultant who comes in for some IT projects. Day to day operations and smaller projects are handled in-house.
History: A year ago, tried to install SBS 2011 to replace a Windows 2003 Server on a single-server domain. Ran into issues migrating AD, teaming NIC's, etc. Eventually learned that SBS wouldn't be supported by the vendor of a critical application that
would run on the server, so happily scrapped SBS and installed 2008 R2. (Which had been my initial recommendation, overruled due to SBS's low purchase price. Whatever.)
Since then, the server closet has expanded to 4 servers. At least two of these are Domain Controllers. I haven't been involved in installing these additional servers, so I'm not fully up to speed on their roles. One is an ERP system based on MS SQL, one
is a Terminal Server, one is a engineering CAD server, and one is the old 2003 server from which all data has not yet been migrated.
Now, I've been brought in to install Exchange 2010 on the original Server 2008. It's been a rocky road, because components of Exchange are left over in the Registry from the SBS debacle. At every step in the installation program, I've had to edit AD to remove
components that are perventing the installation from proceeding. At this point, the Mailbox Role installation failed for a complex series of reasons in AD. Rather than continuing to work through selective deletions from AD, to try to patch the deployment
together, I'd like to make a clean start by completely removing Exchange from the server and from AD. I tried to uninstall Exchange, but the uninstall program failed.
My question: How can I manually remove Exchange from the server and AD, so I can start with a clean install?
Thanks for any help!
February 24th, 2012 12:41pm
Correction - components of Exchange are left over in AD from the SBS debacle.
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February 24th, 2012 1:07pm
Go to Adsiedit.msc - Select the Configuration partion - expand the doman - go to services - go to exchange - you can see the server name which you have used for exchange - select and delte the same.Exchange Queries
February 25th, 2012 2:16pm
I have to say that it is not recommanded by MS.
So I am not responsible for result.
Stop and Disable All the Exchange Related Services below in the same method.
Microsoft Exchange Address Book
Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update
Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync
Microsoft Exchange File Distribution
Microsoft Exchange Forms-Based Authentication
Microsoft Exchange IMAP4
Microsoft Exchange Information Store
Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission Service
Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants
Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication Service
Microsoft Exchange Monitoring
Microsoft Exchange POP3
Microsoft Exchange Protected Service Host
Microsoft Exchange Replication Service
Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access
Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer
Microsoft Exchange Server Extension for Windows Server Backup
Microsoft Exchange Service Host
Microsoft Exchange Speech Engine
Microsoft Exchange System Attendant
Microsoft Exchange Throttling
Microsoft Exchange Transport
Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search
regedit Navigate to the following registry entries and delete them.
ADsiedit Navigate to the following objects and Delete them.
CN=Configuration,DC=Domain,DC=Com -> CN=Services -> CN=Microsoft Exchange
CN=Configuration,DC=Domain,DC=Com -> CN=Services -> CN=Microsoft Exchange AutodiscoverTerence Yu
TechNet Community Support
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February 26th, 2012 9:00pm
Thanks, we'll make sure we have a fallback (system state backup), then give it a try, and provide feedback later.
February 27th, 2012 2:25pm