Cannot see any other options in Insert video


First of all:

1. I have several valid Microsoft email/general accounts (work organisations, my own personal and a 365 account).

2. I have signed in using each one in turn.

3. I have tried adding the Youtube service through the File > Account > Connected Services > Add a service feature to no avail.

All I see when trying to insert an online video is this:

I see no option to search with Bing, youtube (even though I have added the service). My ultimate aim is to embed a PowerPoint video into a slide. It's very difficult at the moment.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • Edited by cardinaluk Thursday, August 22, 2013 12:43 PM Data left on image
August 22nd, 2013 3:35pm

Try to change another Microsoft account from File > Account to check if there is any other option available.

I have heared that using embed code or insert Online video currently is causing a lot of problems in PowerPoint 2013. One day it works, and another it doesn't. We are all waiting for Microsoft/Google/etc to sort this out.


Tony Chen
TechNet Community Support

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August 24th, 2013 8:55am

I only have one valid microsoft account. How do I sign in on another one?  C
November 29th, 2013 11:37am

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