Can't Save Distribution Lists to Contacts Folder sent via e-mail in Exchange 2003
I just discovered that users can create a personal distribution list and send it to other users within the organization and outside of the organization, however when the recipent tries to save and close the personal distribution list, it does not show up in their contacts folder. We also can't save personal distribution lists sent to us outside of the organization.
October 5th, 2009 7:07pm
When you double click to open the sent PDL (Personal Distribution List), the save and close action are just for that attachment, it didn’t actually save to Contact folder, please click-hold the PDL attachment in the sent message, and drag & drop it into Contact folder of the navigate panel in the outlook
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October 6th, 2009 11:18am
Thanks! You are good.
October 6th, 2009 4:09pm