Additional Nickname Searchable in GAL


Is it possible to setup two names or another "Nick Name" on AD and Dir Sync it? The goal is when a user is sending an email and on the To Field box,  if you type in let say Rose, the names will auto-populate and give you the option to choose, vice versa, if you type in Rose's nickname, let say, Roselia, this name will also come up, and of course will point to the same UPN. I hope I am making myself clear.  I can't find anything on the Active Directory where I can add another name that will only have one smtp.  

Your input is greatly appreciated, thanks.

July 30th, 2015 7:00pm


In exchange, there is a field named email address under user properties in EAC. We can create many email addresses for user. For example:

All messages sent to or will be delivered to user Rose.

To create the email address, we can use email address policy or use Set-Mailbox cmdlet with EmailAddresses parameter.

And the feature of auto-populate is Auto-Complete List, once you type the and email addresses in the to field to send email, the email addresses will be added to the Auto-Complete List.

Best Regards.


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July 31st, 2015 4:20am

Hello Lynn, 

I actually don't want to add another smtp. I just want to be able to add another aka searchable on the To Field of the  Outlook 2013.  There was a suggestion given to add the name on the Active Directory (DirSync) under the Display Name field such as if the name is currently Roselia Martinez, I can then add the aka to it, for example, Roselia Maria Martinez.  I tried that suggestion, however, when I was typing the name on the To field, there was no name suggestion, not sure if the auto-populate is even working on Outlook.  I also checked on GAL, I can search the name as long as I begin searching under Roselia and not Maria.  ...I hope I am making myself clear.  Thanks. 

August 4th, 2015 4:16pm

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