Activesync issue Managed Availability EVENT ID : 4

Hi, I'm receiving a lot of errors in Managed Availability, concerning Activesync and Health mailboxes.

My organization has got a forest, with two domains. we have exchange server 2013 installed  with multi-role servers in each domain. let's call them ExchangeserverA and ExchangeserverB to distinct the domain.

This is the error I receive, and I'm unable to find anything related in the internet,

It seems that ExchangeserverA (from domain A) is trying to monitor exchangeserverB (from domain B) with a healthmailbox from domain A ?

I'm not sure. anyway my Event log is completely full of this event, every time the same error.

ActiveSync is failing on ClientAccess server EXCHANGESERVERA.

Incident start time: 7/25/2015 1:44:34 PM


Last failed result:

Failing Component - EAS

Failure Reason - Unknown Reason: LegacyDeviceOnStrictPolicy


Exception: System.Net.WebException: Error occurred:


User: HealthMailboxc6678264e70d4c1a8a0215513d98ce12@organization.A

Password: %Lk]R@WG07VyJz[)8BX1VyDYsis[!|us<sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsd=ar=:W;43_ylPzj/!/_^=8I/(yYJ7:4WI7N]d49?:(vpG5)|_1Ncji}r

Target: https://localhost/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync

Response: <Settings xmlns="Settings:"><Status>141</Status></Settings>

Diagnostics header:&Log=PrxFrom:;I32:MB.C[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=10;F:MB.AL[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=0.9;Dbl:STCPU.T[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=30;Dbl:ST.T[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=5;I32:ADS.C[DC01]=2;F:ADS.AL[DC01]=2.7268;I32:ADS.C[DC02]=2;F:ADS.AL[DC02]=4.7495;Dbl:MBLB.T[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=86;Dbl:BudgUse.T[]=31.2507991790771;I32:ATE.C[DC01.organization.B]=2;F:ATE.AL[DC01.organization.B]=0;Dbl:RPC.T[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=9;I32:RPC.C[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=10;I32:MAPI.C[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=23;I32:ROP.C[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=983669815;Dbl:MAPI.T[exchangeserverB.e54887cf-5424-427c-9838-a11b9ec33b8a]=9;I32:ATE.C[DC02.organization.B]=2;F:ATE.AL[DC02.organization.B]=0;S:WLM.Cl=CustomerExpectation;S:WLM.Type=Eas;S:WLM.Int=True;S:WLM.SvcA=False;S:WLM.Bal=239971,9;S:WLM.BT=Eas_Budget:(D)Owner:Sid~ORGANIZATION-CH\SM_86105c2d9ac34850b~Eas~false,Conn:0,MaxConn:10,MaxBurst:240000,Balance:239971,9,Cutoff:600000,RechargeRate:360000,Policy:GlobalThrottlingPolicy_fba00a06-e517-44b9-b696-6a0e3134c1d6,IsServiceAccount:False,LiveTime:00:00:00.0312508_

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.ActiveSync.Probes.ActiveSyncProbeBase.ReportFailure(Boolean isAborted)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.ActiveSync.Probes.ActiveSyncProbeBase.DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

   at Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.ActiveSync.Probes.ActiveSyncCustomerTouchPointProbe.DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

   at Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFramework.WorkItem.Execute(CancellationToken joinedToken)

   at Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFramework.WorkItem.<>c__DisplayClass2.<StartExecuting>b__0()

   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()


Diagnostic command: Invoke-MonitoringProbe -Identity:"ActiveSync\ActiveSyncCTPProbe" -Server:EXCHANGESERVERA | fl




States of all monitors within the health set:

Note: Data may be stale. To get current data, run: Get-ServerHealth -Identity 'EXCHANGESERVERA' -HealthSet 'ActiveSync'


State               Name                                    TargetResource                     HealthSet                     AlertValue     ServerComponent    

-----               ----                                    --------------                     ---------                     ----------     ---------------    

NotApplicable       ActiveSyncCTPMonitor                    ActiveSync                         ActiveSync                    Unhealthy      None               

NotApplicable       RequestsQueuedGt500Monitor              MSExchangeSyncAppPool              ActiveSync                    Healthy        None               



States of all health sets:

Note: Data may be stale. To get current data, run: Get-HealthReport -Identity 'EXCHANGESERVERA'

Even checking the healthmailbox I'm unable to include them manually in device-mailbox policy. commands like "get-casmailbox" doesn't work with healthmailboxes.

So can anyone please help me ?


  • Edited by hegokkh Monday, July 27, 2015 8:43 AM
July 27th, 2015 8:40am


Do you have follow steps as below link mentioned? Troubleshooting ActiveSync Health Set:

If the issue persists, please run below command to check system component for Exchange server:
Get-ServerComponentstate -Identity servername

If the state is Inactive, please run below command to active relevant component:
Set-ServerComponentState <Identity> -Component component name -Requester HealthAPI -State Active

More details about Server Component States in Exchange 2013, please refer to:


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July 29th, 2015 4:24am

Hi, thank you for the reply.

troubleshooting does not work, indeed it never worked for me , even in fresh installed servers, when I launch the "invoke-monitoring probe" commands, I always receive the following message, no matter what probe I'm invoking:

Invoke-MonitoringProbe ActiveSync\ActiveSyncCTPProbe -Server | Format-List

WARNING: Failed to find the probe result for invoke now request id "e2390482354092385490234902342903490as90d" and probe workdefinition id 315.

All the server components are running. Indeed I've no issues at all, only this annoying events in event viewer, turning all my SCOM 2012 monitors to become critical.

I think the problem is that SERVER A from domain A, is trying to use a healthmailbox from domain A, to retreive information of SERVER B in domain B.

event both servers / domains being of the same forest this seems to fail because healthmailbox from domain A does not have permissions in domain B.

  • Edited by hegokkh 23 hours 36 minutes ago
August 3rd, 2015 3:51am

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