powershell script to list max memory usage by any process with user name in descending order

Hi all, I am looking to find out what the memory utilization on one of my servers is by processes.


As this is a terminal server, there can be up to 50 users logged in - all using IE, Outlook, whatever...  I want to group processes by name and find the total memory usage by the process group.  So far, I have the following Powershell command:


get-process | Group-Object -Property ProcessName

...which doesn't quite do what I need. What I am aiming for is an output similar to:

Count Name User Name Memory usage(Total)

1 Iexplore.exe Michael 5,000kb

3 firefox.exe John 70,000kb

2 winword.exe Chris 1024,475kb

June 18th, 2015 3:42am

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