Visual Studio 2005 Error
I changed my several field data to UNICODE. after that when i compile the codes. the following error erised. Character is not valid my code is, fdate = sDate tdate = eDate Dim sql As String = "" 'app = approved.Value.ToString If ScheduleReport.cboDate.Text = "Approved Date" Then sql = "SELECT substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),1,6) as CMapNo,l.lastupdate,l.approved, ac.dateofaction,l.StateOrPrivate, " sql = sql + "Nds.DSDNameSin, Nd.ProvinceSin, Nd.districtSin, substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),7,2) as Block, " sql = sql + "l.Parcelno ,l.deedareainhec, Nc.GNNamesSin,Nc.VillagesSin, c.divisionno, " sql = sql + "No.nameinnicSin, No.address1sin + ', ' + No.citysin as Address," sql = sql + "o.nicno,'' as Percentage, o.class,ltrim(dbo.GetEncum(l.Blockid,l.Parcelno)) as Encumbrance, " sql = sql + "ltrim(dbo.GetEncumTitle(l.Blockid,l.Parcelno)) as Title, blo.NoticeNo, blo.GazetteNo, " sql = sql + "blo.DateofPublished, blo.gnnames,blo.villages from landparcels l inner join owner o on l.blockid=o.blockid and " sql = sql + "l.parcelno = o.parcelno left join cmapno c on substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),1,6)=c.cmapno" sql = sql + " left join dsddivision ds on c.divisionno=ds.divisionno " sql = sql + "left join district d on d.districtid=ds.districtid left join blocks blo on blo.blockid=l.blockid " sql = sql + "left join actions ac on (l.blockid=ac.blockid and l.parcelno=ac.parcelno)" sql = sql + "where l.approved='Yes' and (ac.actiontaken='Approved for 1st Class' " sql = sql + "or ac.actiontaken='Approved for 2nd Class') and (ac.dateofaction>='" & fdate & "'" sql = sql + " and ac.dateofaction<='" & tdate & "')" sql = sql + " and substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),1,6) ='" & cmap & "'" sql = sql + " and substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),7,2) ='" & block & "'" sql = sql + " order by substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),1,6), substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),7,2), l.Parcelno asc" ElseIf ScheduleReport.cboDate.Text = "Data Entered Date" Then tdate = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, CDate(tdate)) sql = "SELECT substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),1,6) as CMapNo,l.lastupdate,l.approved, ac.dateofaction,l.StateOrPrivate, " sql = sql + "ds.DSDNameSin, d.ProvinceSin, d.districtSin, substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),7,2) as Block, " sql = sql + "l.Parcelno ,l.deedareainhec, c.GNNamesSin,c.VillagesSin, c.divisionno, " sql = sql + "o.nameinnicSin, o.address1sin+ ', ' + o.citysin as Address," sql = sql + "o.nicno,N'' as Percentage, o.class,ltrim(dbo.GetEncum(l.Blockid,l.Parcelno)) as Encumbrance, " sql = sql + "ltrim(dbo.GetEncumTitle(l.Blockid,l.Parcelno)) as Title, blo.NoticeNo, blo.GazetteNo, " sql = sql + "blo.DateofPublished, blo.gnnames,blo.villages from landparcels l inner join owner o on l.blockid=o.blockid and " sql = sql + "l.parcelno = o.parcelno left join cmapno c on substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),1,6)=c.cmapno" sql = sql + " left join dsddivision ds on c.divisionno=ds.divisionno " sql = sql + "left join district d on d.districtid=ds.districtid left join blocks blo on blo.blockid=l.blockid " sql = sql + "left join actions ac on (l.blockid=ac.blockid and l.parcelno=ac.parcelno)" sql = sql + "where l.approved='Yes' and (ac.actiontaken='Approved for 1st Class' " sql = sql + "or ac.actiontaken='Approved for 2nd Class') and (l.lastupdate >='" & fdate & "'" sql = sql + " and l.lastupdate <='" & tdate & "')" sql = sql + " and substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),1,6) ='" & cmap & "'" sql = sql + " and substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),7,2) ='" & block & "'" sql = sql + " order by substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),1,6), substring(ltrim(str(l.Blockid)),7,2), l.Parcelno asc" End If sqlCon.Open() myDAforLPs = New SqlDataAdapter(sql, sqlCon)‍ myDSforLPs = New DataSet() myDAforLPs.Fill(myDSforLPs, "Actions") sqlCon.Close() Pl help me Chandana
January 16th, 2011 4:47am

I think that is more related VS rather than SQL Server , what line of the code throws the error?Best Regards, Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP
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January 16th, 2011 5:09am

Thanks It is ok. I want to assing a primary key like this Dim MyPrimarykey(0) as DataColumn Dim findTheseVals(1) as Object MyPrimarykey(0) = myDSGN.Tables("Villages").Columns("VillagesSin") myDSGN.Tables("Villages").Primarykey = MyPrimarykey findTheseVals(0) = "0101" findTheseVals(1) = "Some Unicode data" Dim myrow as DataRow myrow = myDSGN.Tables("Villages").Rows.Find(findTheseVals) These codes work with non unicode chars But with unicode The following error occured "These columns don't currently have unique values" why is that Can u help meChandana
January 17th, 2011 5:45am

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