Sharepoint Integration Microsoft.ReportingServices.ShareP oint.UI.WebParts.dll
Does anyone know the location of Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.dll after you install the web part? I am wondering if I can inherit from this web part to wrap some other functionality into it.I know that i see it in the GAC buyt can't seem to find it so I can look at the assembly using reflector. Also, how easy is it to pass in parameters to the Report Viewer? Thanks! Erik
February 2nd, 2007 8:37pm

The GACView utility will allow you to extract it from GAC but I don't think you will get too far trying to subclass it. To my understanding, the RS web parts cannot be extended, nor can the parameter prompt area although Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.ReportViewerWebPart has been declared as public. Please do let us know if you are successful in that area. Another approach you can consider is using a custom filter webpart (see the MOSS SDK) to pass parameters to the ReportViewer webpart.
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February 2nd, 2007 11:48pm

Hi Erik, Any luck with this? Wewant to change this dll using reflectorto get rid of the default page *** "Specify Parameter Values" in the main page. We wanted to put Report Name and Description in here with help. Thanks. John.
December 2nd, 2008 5:18pm

To anyone who would like to change the default page shown on Reporting Services and customise parameters go into the directory:C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\Template\Layouts\ReportServer and change the RSViewerPage.aspx. Here is come example code: // Function: GetElementsByClassName // Description: This function will go through all document elements and update the MS default values // to customised values. var findClass = 'ms-WPBody'; var mandatoryToggle = false; var stopAutoRunToggle = false; // Get the query string parameters to extract the Report Name var main = window.location.href.split("?")[1]; // Get all Document Elements var aElm=document.body.getElementsByTagName('*'); for(var i=0; i<aElm.length; i++) { // Change the "Apply" button caption if (aElm[i].value == "Apply") { aElm[i].value = "View Report"; } // If className = ms-WPBody if(aElm[i].className==findClass) { // Add Company Logo if (aElm[i].innerText.indexOf("Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services") != -1 && aElm[i].innerText.length == 39) { aElm[i].innerHTML = "<img style='text-align: left' src='/ssrs/management/_layouts/ReportServer/logo_Grey_190x31.jpg'/>";"> } // Add Report Name else if (aElm[i].innerText.indexOf("Specify Parameter Values") != -1 && aElm[i].innerText.length == 24) { var str = unescape(main.substring(main.indexOf("RelativeReportUrl=") + 18,main.indexOf("&"))).replace(/\.rdl/g,"").replace(/report/g,"") + " Report"; aElm[i].innerHTML = str.substring(str.lastIndexOf("/")+1).replace(/\+/g," "); } // Add Report Help Details else if (aElm[i].innerText.indexOf("Report parameter values must be specified") != -1 && aElm[i].innerText.length == 152) { aElm[i].innerHTML = "<YOUR HTML Text to replace MS default Page Details - use your company logo>"; } } // Hide AutoRun Parameter if (aElm[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == "SPAN" && aElm[i].innerText == "StopAutoRun") { aElm[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; stopAutoRunToggle = true; } // Change Mandatory Prompts to Blue if(aElm[i].innerText.indexOf("*") != -1) { if (aElm[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == "SPAN") { aElm[i].style.color = "blue"; aElm[i].innerHTML = aElm[i].innerText.replace(/\x2a/g,""); mandatoryToggle = true; } } // Hook up event with each SELECT tag if (aElm[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT") { // Ensure that a Wait Window is attached to each postback if (aElm[i].onchange != null) if (aElm[i].onchange.toString().indexOf("__doPostBack") != -1) { aElm[i].attachEvent('onchange', WaitWindow); aElm[i].attachEvent('onkeypress', function (event) {if (event.keyCode == 10 || event.keyCode == 13) WaitWindow(); } ); } } // Change Bank Manadatory Text Boxes to Yellow Background if (aElm[i].tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") { // Ensure that a Wait Window is attached to each postback if (aElm[i].onchange != null) if (aElm[i].onchange.toString().indexOf("__doPostBack") != -1) { aElm[i].attachEvent('onchange', WaitWindow); aElm[i].attachEvent('onkeypress', function (event) {if (event.keyCode == 10 || event.keyCode == 13) WaitWindow(); } ); } // Change BackGround of Empty Mandatory fields if (mandatoryToggle) { if (aElm[i].value == '') { mandatoryToggle = false; aElm[i].style.backgroundColor = "lightyellow"; } } // Hide Stop Auto Run Field else if (stopAutoRunToggle) { if (aElm[i].value == '') { stopAutoRunToggle = false; aElm[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } } } // Call MS Function ResizeRSViewerPage(); </script> This is an example and will not work for other sites. It just shows how you can manipulate the DOM.Hope this helps anyone out there!!Thanks.John.
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December 19th, 2008 2:11pm

Does anyone have any other solutions to this? I tried the code above with no luck.
July 1st, 2009 9:05am

Thanks a lot, the solution worked for me. I did extract the Microsoft.ReportingServices.Sharepoint .... dll and addd its reference in code then used it and it is working perfect. Muhammad Adeel
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May 26th, 2011 6:05am

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