SharePoint 2007 List Edit Access

Greetings, thank you very much for looking at my post.  I have a question about controlling who has the ability to edit list items.  In the Advanced Settings under Edit access I can choose "All items", "Only their own" or "None."  So here is my situation...The list is going to be used by multiple groups.  I have been tasked with transparency for all list items (everyone should be able to see everyone else's list items) however they should only be able to edit on a group basis.  Meaning if Pat and Chris are in Group 1 and Alex is in group 2...If Pat adds a list item Pat and Chris should be able to edit the item but Alex should only be able to read the item.  I am not sure how I can accomplish this.

I hope the question is clear.  Thank you in advance to everyone looking at the post.  I very much appreciate any suggestions.


  • Edited by h0mely 2 hours 54 minutes ago
January 17th, 2014 4:18am


Two ways to do this:

1. Either you can modify the permission on item and provide Group 1 user to contribute and Group 2 user to read  on that file. So Group 1 can edit the file but Group 2 can view the file.

This approach is fine if you have few items in list. But if you have huge data in list then you should go with second approach.

2. Second approach is, create custom event receiver and attach to list. In code you can verify the current user group name and based on this you can assign the permission for list item. You need to use ItemUpdated event.

Please see this link for your ref:

This event receiver fine if you are going to setup new library/list. But if you have existing list/library with data then use ItemUpdating event and verify the current user group, based on this you can cancel the event so user could not edit any item.

Let me know in case any doubt

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January 17th, 2014 4:34am

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