Hi, I'm currently building LAB to OS deployment using SCCM. It works nice.But I have one problem, when I run report "Status Summary of a specific task sequence advertisement", I only get "No Status" in Execution State. Any hints? P.S.Do we have any documents about managing SCCM using WMI. I would like to use PowerShell to populate specific variables for every computer.In a way Branch Office Deployment (2004) guide uses ADS.
December 23rd, 2007 2:31pm

Hi, By default, the summarization is scheduled to run every hour. You can force it to run by using the Run Homepage Summarization action on the Operating System Deployment node and then refreshing the view. If you still dont see any results then please check the History - Specific task sequence advertisements run on a specific computer report to see if we are actually getting status messages. We are currently working on the SDK documentation. It will have information on how to programmatically control OSD objects. Here is a script I have to set a machine variable: Code Block ' ' Utility to manage machine variables ' Usage: ' CScript MachineVar.vbs <resourceid> ' CScript MachineVar.vbs <resourceid> <var> <value> ' ' Verify We have at least one arg IF WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 OR WScript.Arguments.Count > 4 THEN WScript.Echo "CScript MachineVar.vbs <resourceid>" WScript.Echo "CScript MachineVar.vbs <resourceid> <var> <value> [<masked>]" WScript.Quit 1 END IF ' Connect to the SMS namespace SET siteProvider = GetSiteProvider() WScript.Echo "Namespace = "&siteProvider.NamespacePath SET objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!"&_ siteProvider.NamespacePath) ' Read the params sResourceID = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) ' Get the machine object ON ERROR RESUME NEXT DIM machineSettings SET machineSettings = objWMIService.Get("SMS_MachineSettings.ResourceID='"&_ sResourceID&"'") ' If an instance of SMS_MachineSettings has not yet been created ' error -2147217406 (Object not found) is returned. IF Err.Number = -2147217406 THEN ' Clear the error Err.Clear ON ERROR GOTO 0 ' Create an instance of SMS_MachineSettings. SET machineSettings = objWMIService.Get("SMS_MachineSettings").SpawnInstance_() ' Set the properties of SMS_MachineSettings. machineSettings.ResourceID = sResourceID machineSettings.SourceSite = siteProvider.SiteCode ' Save the instance created. machineSettings.Put_ ' Reget the instance SET machineSettings = objWMIService.Get("SMS_MachineSettings.ResourceID='"&_ sResourceID&"'") END IF ON ERROR GOTO 0 ' Print out the machine variables WScript.Echo "Variables for machine "&sResourceID FOR EACH var IN machineSettings.MachineVariables IF var.IsMasked = true THEN WScript.Echo " "&var.Name & " = "&var.value ELSE WScript.Echo " "&var.Name & " = " & var.value END IF NEXT ' If user asked us to set a value IF WScript.Arguments.Count > 1 THEN ' Read in name and value sVarName = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) sVarValue = WScript.Arguments.Item(2) ' Read masked flag bIsMasked = false IF WScript.Arguments.Count > 3 THEN IF WScript.Arguments.Item(3) = "true" THEN bIsMasked = true END IF END IF ' Declare new array for machine vars numMachineVars = UBOUND(machineSettings.MachineVariables) REDIM NewMachineVar( numMachineVars+1 ) ' Copy existing values FOR i = LBOUND(machineSettings.MachineVariables) TO _ UBOUND(machineSettings.MachineVariables) SET NewMachineVar(i) = machineSettings.MachineVariables(i) NEXT ' Copy in new values SET NewMachineVar( numMachineVars+1 ) = _ objWMIService.Get("SMS_MachineVariable").SpawnInstance_() NewMachineVar( numMachineVars+1 ).Name=sVarName NewMachineVar( numMachineVars+1 ).Value=sVarValue NewMachineVar( numMachineVars+1 ).IsMasked=bIsMasked ' Apply changes machineSettings.MachineVariables = NewMachineVar machineSettings.Put_ WScript.Echo "Successfully set "&sVarName&"." END IF ' ' Utility function to search for the site provider ' FUNCTION GetSiteProvider() ' Find SMS Provider DIM SiteProvider WScript.Echo "Searching for SMS Provider for local site..." SET objSMSNamespace = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"&_ "!\\.\root\sms") SET results = objSMSNamespace.ExecQuery("SELECT * From SMS_ProviderLocation "&_ "WHERE ProviderForLocalSite = true") ' Process the results FOR EACH r in results SET SiteProvider = r NEXT ' Fail if we did not find the site IF SiteProvider.NamespacePath = "" THEN WScript.Echo "Failed to locate SMS provider." WScript.Quit 1 END IF ' Return SET GetSiteProvider = SiteProvider END FUNCTION -- Brett
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December 26th, 2007 9:47pm

Hi, thanks for help. But I still can't get any status messages. I have run "Run Homepage Summarization but without success Also I can't run report "History - Specific task sequence advertisements run on a specific computer because when I select values for computer name it returns me empty list As for setting variables this is working just right Krunoslav
December 27th, 2007 5:03pm

4 years later and it's still not fixed. probably never going to be fixed as 2012 is on it's way.nick
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December 13th, 2011 11:50am

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