Query on client behaviour in ConfigrMgr - client state
Hi,I've been reading documentation on thie concepts and architecture of ConfigMgr, but either my own wit is lacking, and I'm missing something obvious, or I have gone further and mis-configured my environment!I have two primary site servers, in a parent-child relationship - mixed-mode, same domain. All the necessary configuration looks ok for the roles we have; I have been through it with a fine-tooh comb, documentation in hand. I'm trying to assess the health of the clients in the environment, and I'm confused by this:Many, if not all, the clients whose MP is the parent primary show up in the child primary's console as well as the parent primary. However, they appear with nearly no information, and the "Client" column shows the value "No".On the primary parent, the same client shows a healthy status.The reverse is also true; clients correctly assigned to the child primary site, and apearing healthy there, often appear as if they have been discovered but not configured on the parent primary.There's obviously a great deal of additional info anyone might need to answer this query but:1. Is this normal, expect behaviour, or have I "broke" it somewhere? :)2. If so, given I intend to blitz those non-working clients this weekend, how do I accurately identify non-working clients?I'd greatly appreciate anyone's help here - please forgive me if this fits better in another forum, I've found it difficult to search on this issue because the description isn't neat.Many thanks,StevieStevie Lamb
January 14th, 2010 8:15pm

My guess: you have Discovery agents enabled on the sites which are re-discovering the systems (possibly AD system discovery). Just a guess though.What i would do is pick one of those "discovered, client "no"" records in the console, and right-click properties on it. What Discovery agent(s) put that record there? Once you've done some diagnostics on where those records are coming from, you'll be able to make some decisions about how to adjust your discovery agents to lessen or eliminate this, or decide you can live with it, and just manage your clients by always setting up collections and/or reports to leverage Client=yes, obsolete=no attributes.Standardize. Simplify. Automate.
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January 14th, 2010 9:15pm

That's not the expected behavior. "Many, if not all, the clients whose MP is the parent primary show up in the child primary's console as well" ... that makes me wonder! Client data does only flow UP in the hierarchy (never down). So clients assigned to the parent primary won't show up on the child. Any chance that there is AD system group discovery running on both sites using the same discovery scope? Does the colum "client" show "yes" in both cases?
January 14th, 2010 10:00pm

I'd greatly appreciate anyone's help here - please forgive me if this fits better in another forum, I've found it difficult to search on this issue because the description isn't neat. This time we will forgive yo but please refrain from posting the exact same question in multiple SCCM forums in the future. It makes those of us who answer questons work harder ;-)I merged the two posts. John Marcum | http://www.TrueSec.com/en/Training.htm | http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/jmarcum
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January 14th, 2010 11:43pm

Thanks John, and my apologies.Moreover, thanks to everyone who attempted to help; some bright spark has mis-configured our mail filtering system, meaning I've received no alerts advising the thread was updated.I think it's a combination of Kerry's response and Torsten's which descrobes the cause and resolution - the same LDAP scope was set for both servers, leading to this issue.Stevie Lamb
February 9th, 2010 4:08pm

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