On SSRS 2008, why is the Legend sorted in reverse order
I am creating a stacked column chart that has many data series. but when I add the legend, the legend shows the series in reverse order of how I added them (and how I want them on the stack). Like data series 1 which will be at the bottom of the stack is at the very right side of the legend. I am not sure how I could post an image so that you can see what I mean. This is essential to my customers as this is not how Excel charts the data. Is there a service pack I can apply to resolve this?
June 24th, 2010 9:59am

Hi wencv.wv, Based on your information, I get that you want to display the legend in the normal order rather than showing the series in reverse order. Right? If so you could follow these detailed steps to make it: 1. Right-click the series datafield in the series area, and then select Series Group Properties. 2. Switch to Sorting tab. 3. Click Add button to add a sorting item, select the series datafield in the drop-down list of Sort by, select a Order, A to Z or Z to A depending on your requirement. 4. Click OK. Preview the report, you will get the series of legend displayed in the right order. If I misunderstand you, you could also post the report picture in the forum, here are steps: 1. Save your report picture in the local computer. 2. Open the homepage of your window live http://home.live.com/?rru=home&livecom=1 3. Click Photo placeholder, and upload the picture into a public album. Note: make sure the album is public not private, otherwise we couldn’t see it. 4. After uploading the picture, double-click it to display the picture. 5. Click Copy, and then paste it into the forum. Then we could the picture in the forum. Regards, Challen Fu
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June 28th, 2010 6:07am

Another option is that if you are on SSRS 2008, in the property grid you can set the Legend to reverse the order of the items. Program Manager, SQL Server Reporting Services This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. http://blogs.msdn.com/seanboon http://www.twitter.com/ssrs
June 29th, 2010 6:56pm

Challen, I have as same Problem. My Legend Order is Displaying in the Reverse Order Compare to Data Values in column Stacked Bar Chart. I exactly followed your Steps, But still same results. Thanks.
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July 1st, 2010 12:19am

Hi SSRS New Bie Beginner, Actually, Sean had given the right direction for you and wencv.wv, if you are not unclear about the detailed steps, please follow these: 1. Right-click the legend, and press F4 to open Property window in your right side. 2. Find out Reversed property, its original value is Default, here you could select True or False If you select true, you will get the report like picture1, if you select false, you will get the report like picture2. I think this is what you want. If you have any question, please feel free to ask. Regards, Challen Fu
July 1st, 2010 6:01am

Challen, i can not able to see imaage you posted. Can you send me on nirav351@gmail.com ?
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July 1st, 2010 11:27pm

Hi, I have sent the image to you via E-mail , Have you recieved it? If you have any question, please feel free to ask. Regards, Challen Fu
July 4th, 2010 2:47pm

Thanks for the Reply. I got your e-mail. I have also one another problem. I have a Matrix in SSRS 2005. Some of the Cell in the Matrix Contain Null Values. (Nothing) When I applied formatting (Like Underline,Backgorund Color ) to all Cells, this formatting is not applying to Cell Which contains NULL Values ? How can we apply formatting to Null Value Cell in Matrix SSRS 2005 ?
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July 4th, 2010 4:41pm

Challen, I tryied your steps. I am using SSRS 2005. IS Reversed Property is avialable in SSRS 2005 ? I can not able to find it. Let me know. Thanks.
July 5th, 2010 7:38pm

Dear Challen Fu, I also have a question regarding the legend items order. I have some sales data group by catalog (tops, pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, etc). I use a column chart to display the annual data (category group is the Catalog, series group is the sales qty). How Can I display the legend item in a required order (not alphabetic order), for example, tops, shorts, pants, skirts, dresses. Many thanks! Mindy
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January 22nd, 2011 7:39pm

Hi Mindy, You could sort the legend at your will, please refer to this similar thread http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/sqlreportingservices/thread/569f22aa-b4c0-4b3c-9c62-a3f1f637508b Challen Fu [MSFT] MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
January 22nd, 2011 8:03pm

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