Invalid object id error
hi i have a following set or query and when i use this in report dataset in report designer "Invalid Object" error occurs. Can any body help. IF OBJECT_ID('#stock1') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #stock1 END IF OBJECT_ID('#purchase1') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #purchase1 END IF OBJECT_ID('#creation1') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #creation1 END IF OBJECT_ID('#convertion1') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #convertion1 END IF OBJECT_ID('#br_receipts1') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #br_receipts1 END IF OBJECT_ID('#consumption1') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #consumption1 END IF OBJECT_ID('#br_delivery1') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #br_delivery1 END IF OBJECT_ID('#stock') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #stock END IF OBJECT_ID('#purchase') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #purchase END IF OBJECT_ID('#creation') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #creation END IF OBJECT_ID('#convertion') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #convertion END IF OBJECT_ID('#br_receipts') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #br_receipts END IF OBJECT_ID('#consumption') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #consumption END IF OBJECT_ID('#br_delivery') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #br_delivery END -- OPENING STOCK & Opening WtAvg----- select productid as product,DATE as date,LocationId as Location,Receiptsquantity-issuesquantity as Op_stk,dbo.CostOfGoodsWtAverageMonthly(DATEADD(mm,-1,@date),ProductId,LocationId)*(receiptsquantity-issuesquantity) as Op_wtavg into #stock1 from StkLedgerTable WHERE Date<@date and ProductId in (@product) and LocationId in (@location) select product as product,Location as location,SUM(op_stk) as Op_stk,sum(op_wtavg) as op_wtavg into #stock from #stock1 group by product,Location order by product,Location ---PURCHASE QTY AND VALUE ----- select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,p.quantity as Purchase_Qty,p.grossminusdiscount as Purchase_Value into #purchase1 from AB_MaterialReceipts_InvoiceDetails_Table_Ver1 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) union all select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,p.quantity as Purchase_Qty,p.grossminusdiscount as Purchase_Value from AB_MaterialReceiptsAgainstOrder_InvoiceDetails_Table_Ver1 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) union all select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,-p.quantity as Purchase_Qty,-p.grossminusdiscount as Purchase_Value from AB_MaterialReturns_InvoiceDetails_Table_Ver2 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) union all select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,-p.quantity as Purchase_Qty,-p.grossminusdiscount as Purchase_Value from AB_PurchaseReturns_InvoiceDetails_Table_Ver1 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) select product as Product,location as Location,SUM(purchase_qty)as Purchase_qty,SUM(purchase_value) as Purchase_value into #purchase from #purchase1 group by product,Location order by product,Location ---STOCK CREATION QTY--------- select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,p.quantity as Creation_Qty into #Creation1 from AB_StockCreation_ItemDetails_Table_Ver1 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) select product as product,location as location,SUM(creation_qty) as creation_qty into #creation from #creation1 group by product,Location order by product,Location -------STOCK CONVERSION IN QTY & VALUE---------- select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,p.OutputQuantity as Convertion_Qty into #Convertion1 from AB_StockConversion_Output_Table_Ver1 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId left join AB_StockConversion_Output_Table_Extra e on p.TransactionNo=e.TransactionNo and p.TransactionLineNo=e.TransactionLineNo where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) select product as product ,Location as location,SUM(convertion_qty) as convertion_Qty into #convertion from #convertion1 group by product,Location order by product,Location ---- Branch Stock Receipts & Value--------- select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,p.quantity as Br_Receips_Qty,p.GrossMinusDiscount as receipts_value into #Br_Receipts1 from AB_BranchStockReceipts_ItemDetails_Table_Ver1 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) select product as product ,Location as location,SUM(Br_receipts_qty) as Br_receipts_Qty,SUM(receipts_value)as receipts_value into #Br_Receipts from #Br_Receipts1 group by product,Location order by product,Location ----- consumption-------- select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,p.quantity as Consumption_Qty into #Consumption1 from AB_StockConsumption_ItemDetails_Table_Ver1 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) select product as product ,Location as location,SUM(consumption_qty) as consumption_Qty into #consumption from #consumption1 group by product,Location order by product,Location -----Branch stock transfer outward-------- select as date,p.product as product,p2.locationid as location,p.quantity as Br_Delivery_Qty,p.GrossMinusDiscount as Delivery_Value into #Br_delivery1 from AB_BranchStockDeliveries_ItemDetails_Table_Ver1 p left join Transaction_GeneralDetails p1 on p.TransactionNo=p1.TransactionNo left join StorageBinTable p2 on p.StorageBin=p2.StorageBinId where p1.Date<=@date and p1.Date>=@FromDate and p.Product in (@product) and p2.LocationId in (@location) select product as product, location as location,sum(Br_Delivery_Qty) as Br_Delivery_qty,SUM(Delivery_Value) as Delivery_Value into #br_delivery from #br_delivery1 group by product,Location order by product,Location ------- FINAL ----------- select distinct dbo.mastername(S.product) as product, dbo.mastername(b.locationid) as Loc, dbo.CostOfGoodsWtAverageMonthly(@date,s.product,b.locationid) as value, sum(stk.op_stk) as Opening_stock, sum(stk.Op_wtavg) as Opening_Value, SUM(purchase_qty) as Purchase_qty, SUM(purchase_value) as Purchase_value, SUM(cr.creation_qty) as Creation_Qty, SUM(con.convertion_Qty) as Convertion_Qty, SUM(brr.Br_Receips_Qty) as Branch_receipts, sum(brr.receipts_value) as Branch_recpt_Value into #final from StockValuation_StockIn_Table S left join storagebintable b on s.storagebin=b.storagebinid left join #stock stk on stk.product=s.Product and stk.location=b.LocationId left join #purchase pur on pur.product=s.product and Pur.location=b.LocationId left join #creation cr on Cr.product=s.Product and Cr.location=b.LocationId left join #convertion con on con.product=s.Product and con.location=b.LocationId left join #br_receipts brr on brr.product=s.Product and brr.location=b.LocationId group by s.Product,b.LocationId having s.product in (@product) and b.locationid in (@location) select * from #final
July 14th, 2010 10:27am

Could you please post the full error description ?
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July 14th, 2010 1:15pm

the error read as follows :- Could not update list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the datasource and that your query syntax is correct. Invalid object name '#stock1' Pls not that if i run the query only with any one set of query as above it does work. I am not able to run the query as a whole. (ie i could not join all the seperate queries into the final querry)
July 14th, 2010 2:21pm

May be the number of temp tables are restricted. when i use this querry in a Stored Procedures it works.
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September 28th, 2010 12:27pm

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