I am passing multiple string values from SSRS 2005 to an SP... But I am unable to do so...
Hi All, I am passing multiple string values from report parameter in ssrs 2005 to SP which has variable but i am unable to do so the SP is like: -- ============================================= ---- Author: Prince Kher ---- Create date: 07-03-2011 ---- Description: APM_Asset Tickets Log ----pr_APM_Tickets 'ODA-CSR-Operations,ODA-PMR-Operations','2011-02-04','2011-02-28' --ODA-PMR-Request Fulfilment, --ODA-BPS-Request Fulfilment, --ODA-Flex PMR-Request Fulfilment','2011-02-04','2011-02-28' -- ============================================= Alter PROCEDURE pr_APM_Tickets (@Assigned_Group Varchar (MAX), @StartDate Datetime, @EndDate Datetime ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; Declare @String Varchar(400) set @string= (select replace( @Assigned_Group,',',''',''')) --set @string= ''' + @string + ''' --select @string SELECT Incident_Number, Entry_ID, SLM_Status, SLA_Resolution, SLA_Response, Assignee, Reported_Date, Create_Date, --NUM, Hours, Responded_Date, Assigned_Group, Last_Modified_Date, Status_ID, Priority_ID FROM( select --top 1 Incident_Number, Entry_ID, SLM_Status, SLA_Resolution, SLA_Response, Assignee, Reported_Date, Create_Date, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Incident_Number ORDER BY Create_Date) AS NUM, DATEDIFF(hh,Reported_Date,Create_Date) AS Hours, Responded_Date, ITSM.Assigned_Group, Last_Modified_Date, Status_ID, Priority_ID from itsm_incidentmgmt ITSM with (nolock) Inner Join ITSM_IncidentMgmt_AuditLog with (nolock) on original_request_id=Entry_ID and [log] like '%Pending%' where Assigned_Group in ( @String)and Reported_Date between @StartDate and @EndDate and (SLA_Resolution=1 or SLA_Response=1) --and Min(create_date) )AS A WHERE Num = 1 END Please help me make this work. Regards Prince KherPrince Kher
March 17th, 2011 1:28pm

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