Getting IPv4 address and using it as an argument for netsh function

About a week ago I decided to set up the IPv6 connection via tunnelbroker but my ISP gives only dynamic dedicated IPv4 addresses. The tunnelbroker gives a solution to update the dynamic IPv4 address but it works only on server side. It means that every time my IPv4 address changes, I need to delete the old tunnel and create a new one.
I've found a solution, the Powershsell script

function fastpingtest {$ping = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping;$ping.Send("", 1000).status -eq "success";}$endtime = [datetime]::Now.AddMinutes(1);$mapipv6 = $false;while([datetime]::Now -lt $endtime) {if(fastpingtest) { $mapipv6 = $true; break; }}if($mapipv6) {$wc = New-Object net.webclient;$url= "{1}&apikey={0}&tid={2}";$values = "USERID", "PASSWORDMD5HASH", TUNNELID;$wc.DownloadString(($url -f $values));#get connected interface$interface = netsh interface ipv4 show interface | findstr /c:" connected" | ?{!$_.contains("Loopback");} | %{[regex]::Split($_, "( )+") | ?{$_.trim().length -gt 0} | %{$_.trim()}; }$interface_ip = (netsh interface ipv4 show address $interface[0] | findstr /c:"IP Address" | select -First 1).split(":")[1].trim()netsh interface teredo set state disablednetsh interface ipv6 add v6v4tunnel IP6Tunnel $interface_ip HEIPv4ENDPOINTnetsh interface ipv6 add address IP6Tunnel YOURIPv6ADDRESSnetsh interface ipv6 add route ::/0 IP6Tunnel HEIPv6ADDRESS

But it didn't work the problem starts from #get connected interface
comment. I contacted the Author and he adviced me to replace !$.contains("Loopback"); with $.contains("Satel"); (name of my Internet connection) and also I decided to replace findstr /c:"IP Address" with findstr /c:"IP-" (because I have a russian version of Windows 7).
Anyway the problem is that $interface_ip gets wring value and netsh command gives an error:
-ERROR: Invalid IPv4 address supplied
Then I've found another way to get the IPv4 address:

#get connected interface$ipAddress = Test-Connection -ComputerName EAGauss -Count 1 | Select -ExpandProperty IPV4Address$interface_ip = $ipAddress.IPAddressToString

Where EAGauss is my hostname. It worked separately from the code but when I tried to change old strings to the new ones it gave the same error.
-ERROR: Invalid IPv4 address supplied

I'm waiting for your help.

August 30th, 2015 2:42am

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